baby boom

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the larger than expected generation in United States born shortly after World War II

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They are preparing for a baby boom during the festive season as well.
Baby Boom Consumer Products is a division of The Betesh Group, a privately held consumer products company specializing in women's hand bags, housewares and baby.
"With that in mind it's short odds this year's record temperatures will be blamed for a massive baby boom in 2019 when the number of live births are expected to reach record levels.
BABY BOOM Alison Canavan, Siobhan and Karen Koster with her baby son
Melisa Graham and her partner Matthew Rowland are among the next parents to add to the baby boom - they are due on March 13.
Census Bureau, which notes that the aging of the baby boom generation is a big part of the reason.
Schools Minister David Laws said:"Labour reduced the number of places available even though there was a baby boom under way.
The figures reveal the inpatient cost of the 55-74 age group in Newcastle, closely aligned to the baby boom generation, is almost 12 times greater than the 16-24 age group often negatively associated with binge drinking and their impact on NHS resources.
Johnson has long argued that most of this shortage is not the result of young adults leaving New Hampshire after graduating from college, but is a reflection of relatively low birth rates by the post-World War II population explosion known as the baby boom, particularly for the white non-Hispanics who make up the majority of the state's population.
The recent baby boom can be attributed primarily to economic incentives--newly wealthy couples find they can afford to pay fines incurred from having more than one child.
For high school and undergraduate students, Monhollon (history, Hood College) brings together 10 articles that follow different groups within the Baby Boom generation from the 1950s to the present to show how baby boomers experienced and impacted the same historical events differently, especially their influence on economy and culture, and how Americans were affected by the Baby Boom generation.
WALES is in the middle of a baby boom, figures showed yesterday.
The baby boom started last year when senior technician, Matthew Jones was the first member of staff to be welcomed into the world of fatherhood when his partner, Kelly Wakefield, gave birth to a beautiful 7lb 13ozs baby boy called Ellis Matthew.
population is aging as fertility rates have fallen by 44 percent since the peaks of the baby boom and are projected to continue to fall by another 12 percent over the next several decades.
A BABY boom at Knowsley SafariPark has seen more than 100 births in a matter of weeks.