baby boomer

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Related to baby boomer: Generation Y

baby boomer

An American person born during the "baby boom" following World War II, between the years of 1945 and 1965, during which the population of the United States increased by 40 percent. Typically used to describe members of this generation, who have been associated with economic prosperity, consumerism, self-indulgence. Primarily heard in US. Since baby boomers represent such a large percentage of the population, financial experts are concerned about the impact their retirement will have on the economy. Though they were spared the two World Wars, baby boomers lived through other tumultuous times, including the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Sexual Revolution. I know it's hard for you to fathom growing up without the Internet, but that's what we baby boomers did.
See also: baby, boomer
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

a ˈbaby boomer

(American English also a ˈboomer) a person born during a period when many more babies are born than usual (called a baby boom), especially after the Second World War: The new President was a baby boomer, born in the 1950s.
See also: baby, boomer
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

(baby) boomer

n. someone born during the baby boom—from the last years of World War II until the early 1960s. When the baby boomers get around to saving up for retirement, you’re going to see a lot of investment scams.
See also: baby, boomer
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

baby boomer

One of approximately 77 million persons born during the two decades following the end of World War II (1945). In 1951, a New York Post columnist Sylvia Porter is thought to have been the first to call the large postwar increase in births a “boom.” The return of veterans and the expansion of the economy with higher incomes are some of the factors accounting for the increase. Healthier and wealthier than previous generations, the baby boomers to some extent rejected traditional values and embraced social and cultural change. Their identity as a group was indicated by Time magazine’s choice of the Baby Boom Generation as its 1966 “Man of the Year.” Aging baby boomers, so characterized after they reached the age of 40, are still named by the cliché. A June 13, 2010, article by Patricia Cohen in the New York Times said, “Baby boomers have long been considered the generation that did not want to grow up, perpetual adolescents even as they become eligible for Social Security.”
See also: baby, boomer
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
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References in periodicals archive ?
Baby boomers have followed well-established, age-related migration patterns, but at times have shown more of a preference for rural destinations than older and younger cohorts.
Annual Gross Yield Top 5 Markets for Renting to Baby Boomers Pasco County, Fla.
Born between 1946 and 1964, the 80 million baby boomers in the United States "have been largely unaddressed by marketers and advertisers since they started to age out of the popular 18-49 cohort," according to "Introducing Boomers: Marketing's Most Valuable Generation," a 2012 report from Nielsen and BoomAgers, both of New York.
Organisations are not adequately prepared for the cultural changes that will occur as executives from the baby boomer generation retire and are replaced by their Generation X and Y counterparts, a study has found.
2013 Baby Boomer 25% Generation X 38% Millennial 35% 2020 Baby Boomer 16% Generation X 34% Millennial 46% 2025 Baby Boomer 11% Generation X 26% Millennial 54% Source: Boston Consulting Group, "Traveling With Millennials" Note: Table made from pie chart.
The CDC encourages clinicians to promote hepatitis C testing to their baby boomer patients.