baby bear

baby bear

slang A highway patrol officer who has only recently started in that line of work. Possibly a reference to Smokey the Bear, a cartoon character who wears a hat similar to those sometimes worn by the highway patrol. I can't believe you let that baby bear give you a ticket—what a rube. Look out, I think there's a baby bear up ahead. Who cares if he's a baby bear? He can still pull us over!
See also: baby, bear
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

baby bear

n. a beginning highway patrol officer; a rookie cop. (see also Smokey (the Bear).) Some baby bear tried to arrest me for speeding, but I conned him out of it.
See also: baby, bear
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in classic literature ?
It was rough and simple, and not unlike what baby bears would have made of an underground house in the same circumstances.
"Baby Bear's Adoption" is a fiction story about an orphan baby bear cub who was adopted by a mother bear with the help of wildlife biologists in Michigan.
London, July 7 ( ANI ): A Ukranian animal charity has rescued a baby bear which was tortured by zoo keepers for the entertainment of tourists during the Euro 2012.
The footage reportedly shows that while the baby bear is screaming, the mother bear was shown racing around the cage and throwing herself at the metal mesh in a bid to get back to her cub, who is then pushed down into a wooden box while it is still shrieking, and is nailed shut with a wire cover.
But there is still so much work for us to do," he said.A baby bear in the wild usually spends two years with its mother.
The Enhanced Baby Bear programmable logic controller offers capabilities for the industrial control user in a small and cost-effective package.
She took a baby bear and placed it on the other pan, but the scale did not balance.
R: [After placing one more baby bear with the other two on the pan] Oh, no, I need another one [places one more baby bear on the baby-bear pan to make four, and the pans are balanced].
R: See, you can't put one baby bear on and then put one momma bear and make it even.
By recognizing a pattern, that is, for every momma bear one needs two baby bears to balance the scale (see line 16 in fig.
When asked what she would do to balance baby bears with three momma bears (see line 13), Rachel responded that she knew she needed "more than four baby bears" (line 14) because "for two momma bears I needed four baby bears and now I have three momma bears" (line 16).
"Goodnight Baby Bear" is a gentle bedtime storybook for children of all ages, with repeating messages of love, acceptance, security, warmth, caring, and growth, all whispered affirmations to cradle and cocoon the child into restful sleep and good dreams.
Summary: SIIRT (Cihan) - Two baby bears were taken under protection just after they have found in the Turkey's southeastern city of Siirt.
Nevzat Amcalar, one of the engineers Siirt Environment and Forest Directory said baby bears were found in the Siirt's Eruh district.
A couple of days later baby bears will be sent to Turkey's western city of Bursa to get more professional care.