babe magnet

babe magnet

1. A person, typically male, who is very attractive to women. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness. Primarily heard in US. John thinks he's such a babe magnet now that he's making so much money, but everyone thinks he's just as foolish as ever. It's not like I was a babe magnet before, but these braces definitely aren't helping my cause. Please, I was a total dork in high school. I rarely went to parties and was the furthest thing from a babe magnet!
2. Something that attracts women to its owner, who is typically male. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness. Primarily heard in US. I bought my motorcycle because I thought it would be a great babe magnet. You want your house to be a babe magnet? Put in a big walk-in closet. Yeah, why do dudes always assume that cars are babe magnets? My girlfriends and I really couldn't care less about that stuff.
See also: babe, magnet
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

babe magnet

and chick magnet
1. n. a male who seems to attract good looking females easily. Keep your woman away from Chuck. He’s a babe magnet. Wilfred thinks he’s a chick magnet, but he only snags the dogs.
2. n. something, such as a car, that attracts good-looking females to a male. Man, I like your new chick magnet. Get any yet? He thought of a new car as a “babe magnet,” but all it drew was the repo man.
See also: babe, magnet
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Young Chuck, tipped by some to succeed Norman Fowler as the MP for Sutton Coldfield, is the proud owner of a souped-up Batmobile-lookalike BMW which he describes (optimistically) as 'a babe magnet' but which some of his party colleagues think is not quite the thing for a putative politician in the West Midlands.
A place where anyone connected with Formula One becomes an instant babe magnet. With that all-important accreditation hanging from your neck you are seen in a whole new light, even the short, the balding and the ugly - but enough about me.
The Babe Magnet ran a blinder at Alnwick in January when outpointed by Charlies Memory and the winner franked that form by taking a Holderness Restricted.
EastEnders labours away under the delusion that Den is a babe magnet when he's actually about as sexy as a fridge magnet.
WHEN women start gawping at Graeme Lennox as if he's a hunk, either they need a visit to the opticians or our tester is driving a serious babe magnet. The latter would appear to be the case, as he was in the stunning Audi TT.
"The Poppers get all the girls - he'll be even more of a babe magnet," said one pupil.
"I'm a real babe magnet, especially with these gnashers," he bragged.
Brian revels in his newly acquired status as a babe magnet, but he's forced to reassess his lifestyle when he falls for a waitress (Elisabeth Shue).
He jumped better than The Babe Magnet down the home straight to win by a length under Jacqueline Coward, 20-year-old daughter of winning trainer, Cherry Coward from Dalby near York.
THE DOSSER; Kevin kips in friends' houses but he's proud of his brother; BABE MAGNET; Nigel's got a plum job, a blonde girlfriend, but doesn't help Kev; HAPPY: Charlotte Brant
But if you're Tim Jefferies - one of Britain's richest playboys - a hefty bank balance can make you a babe magnet.
Unfortunately, he has a reputation as a babe magnet and I expect there's a horde of women jockeying to be his girlfriend.
The part-time life guard and sixth-form head boy said he was looking forward to becoming a babe magnet thanks to his fame.
well, veteran actor Henry Winkler, who will forever be known as Happys Days' leather-jacketed babe magnet is.