(redirected from Babylon Is Fallen)
Category filter:
BIFBurundi Franc (currency of Burundi)
BIFBond Index Fund
BIFBank Insurance Fund
BIFBackend Interface (servers)
BIFBarrow-in-Furness (UK)
BIFBanded Iron Formation (geology)
BIFBabylon Is Fallen (metaphor)
BIFBoehringer Ingelheim Fonds (medical research)
BIFBusiness Instructional Facility (University of Illinois)
BIFBilinear Filtering
BIFBinary Image Format
BIFBinary Interchange Format
BIFBasic in Fact
BIFBasic Information File
BIFBuilders Iron Foundry (various locations)
BIFBest Internet Friend (chat slang)
BIFBisexual Female
BIFBird in Flight (photography slang)
BIFBefore I Forget
BIFBuilt-In Function (normally associated with programming language assemblers)
BIFBorder Infrastructure Fund (Canada)
BIFBasis in Fact
BIFBalance in Full
BIFBoiler and Industrial Furnace
BIFBiotechnology Innovation Fund (Australian government)
BIFBiologically Integrated Farming
BIFBrevet d'Initiateur Fédéral (French diploma)
BIFBest Interest Finding (Alaska)
BIFBerliner Institut für Finanzmarktforschung (German: Berlin Institute for Financial Research)
BIFBend-Insensitive Fiber
BIFBinary Information File
BIFBasic in Flow
BIFBorderline Intellectual Functioning
BIFButt in Front
BIFBig Issue Foundation (UK)
BIFBenchmark Interchange Format
BIFBureau Information Femmes (French: Women's Information Office; Switzerland)
BIFBenevolence International Foundation, Inc.
BIFBenchmark Interface Format
BIFBusiness Investment Fund
BIFBayesian Interchange Format
BIFBanking Insurance Fund
BIFBest Idiot Friend
BIFBeer It Forward
BIFBilateral Force
BIFBali International Finance
BIFBus Interface Function
BIFBrøndby Idræts Forening (Danish Football Club)
BIFBomb-In-Face (defensive technique used by fighter-bombers)
BIFBill Image Formatter (Arbor BP Billing System)
BIFBoring Intellectual Fart
BIFBuilt-in Flexible (plumbing)
BIFBandwidth of Intermediate Frequency
BIFBrothers of the Immaculate Fermentation (amateur California wine makers)
BIFBoilers, Incinerators, and Furnaces
BIFBioactive Inorganic Fillers
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