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blue baby an infant born with cyanosis, a bluish color due to abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the circulating blood, usually due to one or more defect(s) of the heart or great vessels. See also congenital heart defect.
collodion baby an infant affected with lamellar exfoliation of the newborn.
baby Doe legislation a law that requires health care providers to provide treatment for severely handicapped newborns except when death appears inevitable, when treatment merely prolongs inevitable death, or when treatment is so futile as to be inhumane. The 1984 regulations give broader discretion to providers and parents than the original bill and carry out provisions of the Child Abuse Prevention Amendments of 1984.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


An infant; a newborn child.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n. pl. ba·bies
a. A very young child; an infant.
b. An unborn child; a fetus.
c. The youngest member of a family or group.
d. A very young animal.

ba′by·hood′ n.
ba′by·ish adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Drug slang
A regional term for:
(1) Marijuana;
(2) A minor heroin habit.
Vox populi
A popular term for an infant, or the youngest person in a family; an infant from birth to toddlerhood (circa age 2).
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Vox populi A popular term for an infant, or the youngest person in a family, from birth to toddlerhood–circa age 2. See Blue baby, Blueberry muffin baby, Bollinger baby, Cloud baby, Collodion baby, Crack baby, Designer baby, Juicy baby, Test tube baby.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. An infant; a newborn child.
2. Colloquially, in some usages, the younger child.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about baby

Q. My baby also got rash like me. Hi I am Modena. I am using my cousins iMedix ID to contact you all. I gave birth to male baby before 6 weeks. I am breast feeding him. Last night I tried a new salad in my diet. After a few minutes I noticed that I had an itchy rash over my cheeks and neck. I didn’t take any medicine, but it went away by itself within 1-2 hours. My baby also got rash a couple of hours later like me and it was cured after 2-3 hours. Will this happen again to him? What precautions I must take? I am scared.

A. I think you had a mild allergy due to herbs in the salad. Whatever you take inside your system will affect your baby through your milk feeding. So first check the food before you eat. He inherited your allergy and had the same reaction. But, there is nothing to worry about this. I suggest you to check with your Gynecologist.

Q. How can I prevent my baby developing Overweight? He’s gaining a lot of weight since birth, too much as the Dr. said…how can I prevent it?

A. Here is couple of advices about overweight in infants I found useful when my baby was 6 months old. It’s not full but it’s still very helpful and effective.

Q. How can I prevent baby caries? Hi, I’m pregnant on my 34 week and my older son had baby caries, I would like to prevent that this time.

A. You can buy or sometimes get from your dentist a special toothpaste for infants to rub on thier teeth and gums.

More discussions about baby
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References in periodicals archive ?
I agree: mammals might have evolved differently, so that some other features in infants were the distinctively babyish ones.
Does your room still look babyish with dolls or ruffles?
"It's got teenagers in it and it is proper writing, not babyish."
Described by winning rider Colm O'Donoghue as "strong-minded and babyish and a bit tricky, but with a good level of ability," Boho, a Big Bad Bob gelding, was a 10/1 winner and should be open to plenty of improvement.
Greatrex said: "We've not had a major discussion with the owners, but he is a horse that mentally is still quite babyish. Do I think that Cheltenham is just maybe a little bit too much for him this year?
My kids, aged seven and five, were gripped throughout and even though the show is officially for the under sixes, it's not in the least bit babyish.
This approach produces a very accessible book which wouldn't make the child feel they are reading a 'babyish' book.
- J.M, Hamilton | I couldn't get too worked up about the report claiming secondary pupils are reading books that are too babyish for them.
"She's still very babyish. I'll speak with Lord Grimthorpe (Khalid Abdullah's racing manager ), but I doubt I'll run her again this year.
Q: I want to add a bit of decoration to my toddler's room; taking down the mobiles and other babyish bits and bobs, instead creating a slightly older looking space.
Cookie Jacqueline Wilson Corgi pounds 5.99 This book is about a girl called Beauty who is very babyish. Beauty's mum is so nice and always wants the best for her, but her dad is horrid to her.