Baby Farming

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Medical history The practice of sending an infant to a foster home, where it would soon die from neglect and malnutrition
Social medicine The illegal practice of accepting ‘unwanted’ babies, often from unwed mothers, and passing them—with various attached ‘processing’ fees—to adopting parents
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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'The whole idea of baby farming is very interesting,' said Mr Toms, who spent 30 years with South Wales Police.
Herman, an associate professor of history at the University of Oregon, offers an extensive timeline, as well as brief essays--with images, primary document excerpts, and suggestions for further reading--on a long list of topics that includes baby farming, eugenics, infertility, and transracial adoptions.
The detour to the topics of infanticide and abandonment in the chapter on baby farming does not seem to serve a purpose, for example, other than the chance to share more material from the records.
Baby Farming in Late-Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia," Gender & Society, 2(2) 128-148.) The initial idea for the Boutique Children's Hotel was a variation on the baby farm as a form of mutual aid while the proposal submitted on 17 August 1971 exactly fits the definition of a 19th century baby farm.
Baby farming on the Internet should be made illegal.
Gerry unearthed an intriguing tale of baby farming and desperation and believes James would never have met that fate under current laws.
James, who had a drink problem, was involved in the murky 'baby farming' trade.
A band of four travelling thespians including Alison Fitzjohn from Penarth - who plays Dross - bring The Terrible Tudors and The Vile Victorians to life with tales of baby farming, slums, sewers, graveyards and ghosts.
(69.) Doctors and midwives figured as prominent collaborators in baby farming scandals.
"There would be a risk of baby farming, genetic engineering and the creation of a master race," he said.
'The baby farming case has comparisons with human trafficking but also reveals quite a bit about the hardships faced by people like Leslie James in the early 20th century.'