Baby MB

Baby MB

A UK right-to-life case involving a 19-month-old baby who had spinal muscular atrophy type 1, which leads to nearly complete paralysis. The father, a Muslim, held that only God can take life and refused to discontinue life support, despite the medics’ assertions that invasive ventilation would cause an “intolerable life”. In March 2006, the High Court in London ruled against a hospital's bid to turn off the ventilator.
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"Mr Justice Holman has assessed MB's best interests by weighing up the benefits and pleasures that Baby MB is able to experience from life, against the burdens of regular medical interventions.
"This has been a particularly unusual case as Baby MB is the only baby in this situation known to have cognitive skills, and because if taken off the ventilator, he will die almost immediately."
The statement continued: "Baby MB is aware of his surroundings.
Mr Gawne said, 'The judgment given today shows recognition that Baby MB does have quality of life and that his life is worth living.
'Mr Justice Holman has assessed Baby MB's best interests by weighing up the benefits and pleasures that Baby MB is able to experience from life, against the burdens of regular medical interventions...
The infant, known only as Baby MB, has a form of the fatal condition spinal muscular atrophy.
His case of baby MB, who cannot be named, will again highlight the ongoing debate over whether right-to-life treatment should be withdrawn from patients.
The boy cannot be named for legal reasons and is known only as baby MB. His case will again highlight the debate over whether right-to-life treatment should be withdrawn from patients.