baby bottle

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baby bottle

A surrogate mammary which may be filled with various liquids, such as baby formula.
Aesthetics, convenience (allows father to feed the child).

Sweetened formula can cause caries, loss of deciduous teeth.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

baby bottle

Pediatrics A surrogate mammary that may be filled with various liquids including baby formula Cons Sweetened formula may result in cavities, loss of deciduous teeth
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Baby bottle tooth decay is not only bacterial transmission, also the brushing technique, nutrition and fluoride dosage are all factors that work together to prevent decay," Dr.
She helps with events like the Baby Bottle Boomerang and the summer Walk for Life, collecting data and counting money.
TWISTSHAKE is a Swedish brand of colourful baby bottles which are packed with features to help at feeding time.
Alkame Holdings Inc (OTCQB: ALKM), a health and wellness technology holding company, announced on Tuesday the signing of a binding Letter of Intent with Ready Made Inc to form a joint venture to produce the world's only disposable single use ready to serve baby bottle.
The Dark Light eliminates the frustrating task of trying to locate a baby bottle under dimly lit conditions.
The Pacific octopus, nicknamed 'mystic' Marjorie, was given two treat-filled baby bottles to choose from - one with a blue lid and the other with a pink one.
The leading baby bottle manufacturers already have stopped using the compound.
Summary: MOSCOW (Cihan/RT) - Russian Prime Minister Fed young elks with baby bottle in a zoo 10 km away from the Moscow.
A novel disposable, single-use baby bottle is said to be 100% recyclable and BPA-free.
Topps found itself at the bottom of CPSI's favorites list when it signed the Clique Girlz, a musical trio of 12- to 14-year-old girls, to promote Baby Bottle Pop, powdered sugar sold in a miniature baby bottle and eaten by dipping a candy nipple into the powder and licking it off.
At the Topps candy company, which found itself at the bottom of CPSI's favorites list when it signed the Clique Girlz, a musical trio of 12- to 14-year-old girls, to promote Baby Bottle Pop, powdered sugar sold in a miniature baby bottle and eaten by dipping a candy nipple into the powder and licking it off.