baby teeth

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baby teeth

Deciduous teeth Dentistry The 20 teeth of the 1st dentition, which begin to calcify at the 4th month. Cf Permanent teeth.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Another benefit of stem cells harvested from baby teeth is that baby teeth aren't that exposed to environmental wear and tear, meaning the cells are in good condition still.
According to dental researchers, one possible explanation for this is that baby teeth loosen gradually before falling out - a process that, unlike an accident, unfolds slowly and predictably.
Baby teeth, those bits we naturally shed and pass off to the tooth fairy, could also serve as a bottomless resource.
* At age 3, a full set of baby teeth have probably arrived.
A Collection of Bruises, A Collection of Baby Teeth, and A Collection of Curses refer directly to a line in Contreras's letter, where she speaks of collecting things as a child and placing them in boxes.
TEHRAN (FNA)- A new study uses a unique source -- baby teeth -- to reveal that both the timing and amount of exposure can affect diagnosis.
By saving your baby teeth, or adult teeth that need to be removed through surgery, you may later harvest stem cells that may be used to fight certain cancers or even as therapy for brain injuries.
Did you know most common orthodontic problems such as crowding of the teeth, gaps, protruding teeth, and bad bites can be inherited or caused by injury to the mouth, early or late loss of baby teeth, or thumb-sucking habits?
([section]) Primary teeth are the first teeth (baby teeth), which are shed and replaced by permanent teeth.
The second section included items that assessed parental knowledge of children's oral health risk factors, such as "baby teeth are important," "cavities in baby teeth are permanent," and "eating lots of food or drink that contains sugar may cause cavities." Each item was rated as 1) agree, 2) disagree, or 3) don't know.
GUM SOLO And now there's a gap where Hannah used to have one of her baby teeth