Baby M

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A female infant born in mid-1980s in New Jersey by a surrogate mother contract; at the time of birth, the gestational/natural mother reneged on the contract, and the ensuing court battle became a cause célèbre on the issue of surrogate parenthood
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Baby M started showing signs of a flat head around the 2-month mark.
The appointment was a very simple consultation with the doctor, who at the time didn't feel Baby M was in need of plagiocephaly therapy or a helmet and felt the condition would correct itself by the time he was two.
Baby M is a 12-hour-old 40-week gestation boy, without any risk factors, whom you delivered vaginally to a first-time mother last evening.
The next morning, at 36-hours-of-age, Baby M still appears well, except that he is jaundiced.
In a landmark decision, Mr Justice Holman ordered medics not to take the paralysed 18-month-old - known as Baby M - off a ventilator because he still has pleasures and emotions.
After the case at the High Court in London, Baby M's dad, 29, said: "He's full of feeling.
The prosecution of Joel Steinberg for the murder of his illegally adopted daughter, Lisa, is the latest in a spectacular series that began with the trial of Jean Harris and continued through John Hinckley, Bernhard Goetz, the fight for Baby M, the Howard Beach gang, Bess Meyerson, and that trial-that-wasn't, the Tawana Brawley episode.
Death Without Dignity for Commercial Surrogacy: The Case of Baby M
If the judge agrees with the doctors, Baby M will die within minutes of his breathing tube being removed.
But the consultant caring for 17-month-old Baby M will argue that the little boy, incurably sick with spinal muscular atrophy, should be allowed to die "with dignity".
He told the High Court that Baby M, who suffers from incurable spinal muscular atrophy, would die within minutes of being disconnected from the machine.
He told the High Court that Baby M, who has incurable spinal muscular atrophy, would die within minutes of being disconnected from the machine.