Baby Jane Doe

A female infant born in October, 1983, on Long Island, New York, with multiple birth defects, including spina bifida, microcephaly, and hydrocephalus; the parents decided to withhold treatment
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Other than that, precious few details have been released about "Baby Jane Doe," including the identity of the father.
I was always flattered and did my best to be of assistance to a man who's breadth of interest ranged from jazz legends Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, and Louis Armstrong; to the First Amendment (his book, "Free Speech for Me--But Not for Thee," encapsulated his views); to "Baby Jane Doe," whose real name was Keri Lynn.
Given the complexity of this condition, it is hardly surprising that it has stimulated numerous ethical debates with implications that go beyond the spina bifida population, as exemplified by Lorber's selection criteria in the UK, the Baby Jane Doe case in the USA, and the Groningen protocol for euthanasia of newborns in the Netherlands.
The baby, known as Baby Jane Doe, remains in state custody.
The Long Island infant known to the world as Baby Jane Doe was the center of a legal-political battle over the right of the government to force the treatment of handicapped newborns whose parents opposed lifesaving intervention.
Although Koop was consulted in the draftingof those regulations, and defended them publicly, his major invilvement didn't begin until after the birth in 1983 of an infant that had spina bifida and other complications and was dubbed "Baby Jane Doe." "We're not just fighting for this baby," Koop proclaimed on "Face the Nation." "We're fighting for the principle of this country that every life is individually and uniquely sacred." The Justice Department wanted to make the Baby Jane Doe case a test of the principles underlying its regulations.
Families, in the abstract, are scolded for their neglect of children's welfare; at the same time, the courts (as in the case of Baby Jane Doe) are asked to assume the parent's role in making health and welfare decisions.
Investigators said testing revealed Thursday that the newborn was a girl and would henceforth be called "( Baby Jane Doe " during the trial.
In another highly publicized case, New York and federal courts supported the denial of treatment to Baby Jane Doe, born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.
Consider the stories that pop up on my computer as generating the most attention through that decade: test tube babies; the birth of Louise Brown--I'm cheating a bit here because that was 1978, but that's really where I think you see a big wave of media attention and public dialogue about developments in medicine--Baby Fay; the artificial heart; Baby Doe, Baby Jane Doe and the Baby Doe Rules; and, at the end of the decade, Cruzan.
WORCESTER - Baby Jane Doe's short life has been marked by trauma and headlines.
They include, among others, Quinlan, Bouvia, Dutch euthanasia, Baby Louise Brown, surrogate motherhood, Baby Jane Doe, Tuskegee, Christiaan Barnard's first heart transplant, Barney Clark's artificial heart, and Baby Fae.