Baby Jessica

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An infant whose entrapment and subsequent rescue in the public eye illustrated the difference between a multitude of 'faceless' statistical victims and a single identifiable victim, to whom seemingly everyone can ‘bond’ and have a personal interest
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The other members of the team preparing for this year's SEA Games were Samuel Thomas Harper Morrison, Kurt Pajuelas, Carlos Jose Padilla V, Paul Romero, Rani Ann Ortega, Christian Al dela Cruz, Dex Ian Chavez, Jeordan Dominguez, Kirstie Elaine Alora, Pauline Louise Lopez, Patrick King Perez, Marvin Mori, Rheza Aragon, Baby Jessica Canabal, Realis Tabiando, Aidaine Krishia Laxa, Rhezie Aragon and Darlene Mae Arpon.
(-54kg), Dex Ian Chavez (-58kg), Kurt Pajuelas (-58kg), Joseph Chua (-63kg), Keno Anthony Mendoza (-63kg), Arven Alcantara (-68kg), Dave Cea (-74kg) and Samuel Thomas Harper Morrison (-80kg); Female - Veronica Garces (-46kg), Abigail Faye Valdez (-46kg), Rheza Aragon (-49kg), Baby Jessica Canabal (-49kg), Rhezie Aragon (-53kg), Loralee Natividad (-53kg), Pauline Louise Lopez (-57kg), Realis Lorena Tabiando (-57kg), Beatrice Kassandra Gaerlan (-62kg), Darlene Mae Arpon (-62kg), Laila Delo (-67kg) and Kirstie Elaine Alora (+73kg); Male (poomsae/forms) - Rodolfo Reyes Jr., Patrick King Perez, Raphael Enrico Mella, Jeordan Dominguez, Darius Venerable and Marvin Mori; Female - Rinna Babanto, Jecel Lyn Ninobla, Janna Dominique Oliva and Juvenile Faye Crisostomo.
She has a new focus I'm proud JILL WALMSLEY on seeing jess come through the pain The attack took so much out of me I feel grateful to be alive and to have my baby jessica knight knife victim who astonished docs by having a baby
The couple, from Heaton, came into hospital at 2.30am - and baby Jessica arrived less than two hours later.
Baby Jessica has three heart defects - total anomalous pulmonary venous return, atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect.
Despite the best efforts of doctors, baby Jessica died at Royal Oldham Hospital soon after Sarah gave birth.
Prior to this, Baby Jessica Canabal also fell to Nahid Kiyanichandeh of Iran, 15-23 in the women's -49 kg quarterfinals.
Up and away Baby Jessica with daddy Angus Crighton, Ashley and with her mum Jill Byers and Ava and Kelly Edwards enjoy the session
Rescuers decided the only way to pull out "Baby Jessica" was to drill a parallel shaft through which they could pull her up, but even Texas oil country lacked the four-ton, high-press water drill required to cut through granite.