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Putin plays the West like a fiddle ..and we let him; SAY SQUEEZE, LIZA.

| President Putin has the measure of the West and the people of Ukraine are paying the price. All our hard words about how he cannot do what he is doing are worthless because we don't back them up.

I'm not sure about the new regime in Ukraine but Russia can't just invade neighbouring countries when they feel like it. But who's going to stop them? Not us, that's for sure. - Robert Harris, Dundee | Your story on unelected Tory peers costing us PS551,000 misses the point.

All peers are unelected and all cost us money, including the Labour ones.

Far more damaging to the country is the cost to our democracy of this "house of horrors", perpetuated by the shameful support given by the "People's Party". - J. Mills, Johnstone, Renfrewshire |Re: your article about the cost of the House of Lords. Would it not be better to tell the people of Scotland how much the Scottish Parliament is costing us? How can a population of five million justify 129 MSPs? I am 68 and have been interested in politics since I was 13 and the politicians we have now are the most useless bunch there has been in my lifetime, north and south of the Border. - George Lindsay, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire | Like John Niven, I do not doubt for a moment that using the belt in schools is physical assault.

Just as I would not have wanted my own children to be assaulted, it is certainly not within my teaching remit to | I did feel sorry for Liza Minnelli at the Oscars. First, Ellen Degeneres claimed she looked like a drag queen, then she tried and failed to get into the most famous selfie ever. She must have been glad to get home. - D. Ramsay, by email assault other people's. - JC, by email | It's good to see and hear Beck is back with a new record. After seven years out with a spinal injury, when at times he couldn't even lift a guitar, I'm glad he has fought through all that. Hopefully he'll pay us a wee visit soon. - J.M, Hamilton | I couldn't get too worked up about the report claiming secondary pupils are reading books that are too babyish for them.

If my two teenager daughters read anything other than Facebook, I'd be delighted. - C.M., by email
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Publication:Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Mar 9, 2014
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