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1. A term of endearment for one's lover or romantic partner. Don't be upset with me, baby—I didn't mean what I said! Aww, thanks, baby. This is exactly what I wanted for Valentine's Day! Baby! This is a pleasant surprise—what are you doing home so early?
2. A jocular term of endearment for one's friend. C'mon, baby, help me load these boxes into the truck. Hey, baby, pass the salt, will ya? Good to see you, baby! How've you been?
3. A term of address for someone, especially a woman, that one thinks is attractive. Used especially when trying to initiate a sexual or romantic encounter. Hey, baby, can I buy you a drink? If a guy comes up to me and calls me "baby," it's an instant turn-off. A: "You're looking fine tonight, baby." B: "Ugh, get lost."
4. A term of endearment for something that one owns and is pleased with or proud of, especially a vehicle, piece of machinery, or electronic device. A: "Wow, nice car!" B: "Thanks! Hop in—I'll show you what this baby can do!" I just bought a brand new sound system. I can't wait to take that baby home and crank some tunes! Whoa, check out the motorcycle! I wonder how fast this baby goes.
5. Some idea, project, or undertaking that one feels directly responsible for and very protective over. (Always comes after a possessive adjective.) This convention has been Sarah's baby for the last eight months, so I'm really glad for her that it all came together so well. Tom's been treating this new redevelopment plan like it's his baby or something, even though we all worked together to come up with it. The Christmas party is Dan's baby. I have no idea what the itinerary is.
6. Someone who is petulantly infantile or immature. Oh, boo-hoo, your sports team lost. So what? God, don't be such a baby! Tom always acts like a big baby whenever the boss doesn't go along with one of his ideas. Any time I beat my brother at anything, he is the biggest baby! Like, get over it, loser!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


1. n. a lover; one’s sweetheart. (Also a term of address.) Come over here and kiss me, baby.
2. n. a term of address for a friend or pal of either sex. Come on, baby, push this thing—hard!
3. n. a thing; a gadget; a machine, such as a car. (Similar to sucker.) Hand me that baby with the sharp point, will you?
4. n. a project thought of as an offspring. (Always with a possessor.) Whose baby is the Johnson account?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Through my extensive collation of research, I discovered that the only activity proven to increase your child's intelligence is music training - started between babyhood and seven," says Liisa, pointing out that 96% of brain growth occurs during this period.
After all, this is a generation that learned to amuse itself practically from babyhood with the smartphone and tablet swiped from their parents' hands.
He is also the author of the bestselling books Couplehood, Babyhood and Familyhood.
Doctors couldn't guarantee what immunities my donor brother's replacement cells carried; as a result, my medical age was reset to babyhood and I reverted to Day One on the childhood vaccination timetable, which makes me a mite overdue for pre-school boosters.
The irony wasn't lost on a lot of critics; he was old enough to work a reasonably sophisticated piece of technology, yet still had one of the biggest symbols of babyhood stuffed between his lips.
In the early stages of life -- from babyhood to childhood, childhood to adolescence, and adolescence to adulthood -- enormous changes take place.
1886 Babyhood magazine reports on widespread political baby-kissing.
They tell us what it was like to deliver on telly Breast-feeding beyond babyhood The controversial subject of breast-feeding older kids Oh blimey!
Tired and preoccupied with professional development, Nicole feels that she is missing her son's babyhood. Later on comes the overwhelming anger.
Bernard and coauthor Marc Nickmilder, also of Catholic University of Louvain, accounted for factors such as age, body mass index, time of day of blood sampling, smoking status, having been breastfed, consumption of tap or bottled water since babyhood, insecticide use, residential proximity to a busy road, and participation in certain other sports.
FAMILYHOOD comes from the best-selling author of COUPLEHOOD and BABYHOOD and is a pick for either fans of the prior books or collections catering to parents and families.
In the book, Andrew - who is now also dad to one-year-old Tom - charts his emotional journey but also writes his thoughts on many practical details of pregnancy, labour and babyhood which many books brush over.
Another year, my mother gave me a photo album of my life, from my babyhood to when I had my own baby.
But when he grew up enough to lead a life out of the so-called shelter of the NGO, he was sure that he would support kids with a history like his own but not fill their childhood with memories that his own babyhood was punctured by.
"It's like going back to your roots, and seeing all your life, from babyhood to being 18, in front of you.