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A person who cries or complains a lot, especially for little reason. James whines and complains whenever he doesn't get his own way. He's such a cry-baby! You're such a cry-baby, Petey. I only had you in a headlock for, like, a second. A: "What's that crybaby whining about now?" B: "The fact that she's got a hole in her stockings, apparently."
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"Well, we'll let the cry-baby go home to his mother, won't we, Huck?
If he doesn't stop acting like a cry-baby I'm going to resign my position here and go to work."
"Keep quiet, cry-baby. I 'm going to stay and help; may n't I, Polly?"
Vero Voce Theatre presents "Cry-Baby the Musical" at 7:30 p.m.
Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque made the statement after Budget Secretary Ben Diokno said that Filipinos should be less of a cry-baby following calls to suspend the implementation of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law amid high oil prices.
Haye blamed his broken toe - and was labelled a cry-baby by promoter Frank Warren.
"To talk about toes and whatever afterwards is just cry-baby stuff and I thought it was quite embarrassing.
Even boyband JLS would be preferable to cry-baby Quigg and his croaking, fist-punching High School Musical routines.
FORMER Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd has waded into the man who he sold the club to, telling Mike Ashley to stop being a "cry-baby".And Shepherd believes the club's fans could still get their wish and see their hero Kevin Keegan back managing the Magpies - for a third time.Shepherd has hit out at Ashley after the billionaire sports retailer announced late on Sunday night he was looking for a buyer.
All of a sudden, "Cry-Baby," capitalized at a big but not huge $12.5 million, looks gigantic in comparison with the nominated competish of the medium-size "In the Heights" and the downright tiny "Passing Strange" and "Xanadu."
At stake was one job: being a swing on Cry-Baby, the stage version of John Waters' 1990 film starring Johnny Depp.
Elsewhere in the show, the former England captain admitted he's a cry-baby.
Not off Hairspray (the movie), John Waters was courted by Hollywood for the first time and used his clout to make the 1990 rockabilly musical Cry-Baby, which launched Johnny Depp's film career.
And he still holds the top spot in the 'Best Quote of BB6" contest, for the winning line he used to dismiss the dimwitted trio of Anthony the Android, Cry-baby Craig and Maxwell the Goon.
Book of a musical: Douglas Carter Beane, "Xanadu"; Quiara Alegria Hudes, "In the Heights"; Mark O'Donnell and Thomas Meehan, "Cry-Baby"; Stew, "Passing Strange"