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back at (something or some place)

1. Having returned to some specific building. We should be back at our apartment by 9 PM. I wonder if Tom and the kids are already back at the house. You're back at the apartment already? Wow, how fast were you driving?
2. In some specific building that one has already left. Dang it, I forgot my briefcase back at the office. How did I leave my lunch back at home again? That's the third time this week! Oh, please tell me I didn't leave my book report back at the computer lab!
3. Having returned to some activity, especially school or work, after a hiatus. Sarah's been out sick for a week, but she said she should be back at school on Monday. I really found it hard being back at work after such a long vacation. A: "You're back at the office already?" B: "Don't remind me—that vacation was way too short!"
See also: back

back home

1. Having returned to one's home. We should be back home by 9 PM. I wonder if Tom and the kids are already back home. You're back home already? Wow, how fast were you driving?
2. In one's hometown. The food here is pretty good, but the barbecue back home beats it by a mile! Seriously, the chicken wings over here are just a pale imitation of the ones you get back home. There are hardly any sports fans here, certainly none with the passion you find back home!
See also: back, home
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*back (some place)

returned to some place; at some place again. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; arrive ~.) I can't wait till we get back home. When will we get back? Is it much farther?


(at someone) repaying someone for a bad deed. (*Typically: get ~; have ~.) Tom called me a jerk, but I'll get back at him. I don't know how I'll get back for her insult, but I will.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


n. one’s support or second in a fight. (From back-up.) I need a back I can depend on.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Such a town as that has to be always moving back, and back, and back, because the river's always gnawing at it.
Just before it was effected, and at the precise moment that Ponta was ready with his own body to receive the snuggling in of Joe's body, Joe drew back slightly and drove with his fists at his opponent's unprotected stomach.
"I think that is good advice to follow," put in Tom, "for we do need our goods; and if we reached the settlement ourselves, we would have to send back for our things, with the uncertainty of getting them all."
What!..." she said to the rosy, good-humored Mihail, as he handed her back her note.
He advanced to the middle of the room, with the candle still in his hand: he looked about him--but he never looked back.
Hope you'll have a lovely ride!" she called back to him over her shoulder.
Spade-beard and his men had given slowly back, hard pressed by Sir Nigel, Aylward, Black Simon, and the poop-guard.
True, Jerry could trace as far back. His ancient ancestors had been Irish wolf-hounds, and, long before that, the ancestors of the wolf- hounds had been wolves.
Then once more the Friar bent his back, and, Robin having mounted upon it, he stepped sturdily into the water and so strode onward, splashing in the shoal, and breaking all the smooth surface into ever-widening rings.
The team-dogs were swept back against the cliff at the first onset.
It is plain our little Margaret is not coming back, our little Margaret, dear haunted rooms, will never come back; no longer shall her little silken figure flit up and down your quiet staircases, her hands filled with flowers, and her heart humming with little songs.
We shrank back against the side-walls, where we were almost out of range.
Evidently he would never leave, or turn his back again.
The sun--the bright sun, that brings back, not light alone, but new life, and hope, and freshness to man--burst upon the crowded city in clear and radiant glory.
In several ways his opinions were totally changed, and would never go back to what they were before, but the main structure of his character was not changed, and could not be changed.