follow back

follow back

A comment (often abbreviated "FB") added to social media posts encouraging other people to "follow" the commenter on the site or app. LOVE this dress! Follow back! I'm sure I could grow my account by commenting "follow back" on strangers' posts—but do I want to? When someone writes "follow back" on one of my posts, it makes me never want to visit their page.
See also: back, follow
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in classic literature ?
It would run on, plain and clear and well defined to end suddenly in the midst of a tangle of matted jungle, then Ja would turn directly back in his tracks for a little distance, spring into a tree, climb through it to the other side, drop onto a fallen log, leap over a low bush and alight once more upon a distinct trail which he would follow back for a short distance only to turn directly about and retrace his steps until after a mile or less this new pathway ended as suddenly and mysteriously as the former section.
The people on Twitter who are so desperate to increase their numbers that they hope to connect with other like-minded Hannibal Lecters by saying quite publicly: "Follow me, I follow back!" As a rule, I choose not to follow accounts like that as I don't know how desperate those people actually are.
"Newcastle are one of the clubs people follow back at home, so they are happy I've signed for a famous club.
Zahra considered the recent session held by the joint parliamentary committees, concerning oil law in Lebanon, to have resumed its normal frame, which means that the government will be accomplishing its works and the house parliament will follow back to endorse laws connected to said issue.
A reception will follow back at First Baptist Church.
One model (not shown) assumed all drugs and all pharmacies were perfectly reported, resulting in a net-adjusted under-reporting rate of 4.2 percent (1-(96,878/101,144)) among follow back participants.
It was what ghost dancers heard in their dream of bringing buffalo down from the sky as if song and prayer were paths life would follow back to land.