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Billiards Snooker
a. a forward spin imparted to a cue ball causing it to roll after the object ball
b. a shot made in this way
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

What does it mean when you dream about following?

To follow something in a dream indicates that we are attracted to something or that we are being influenced by whatever we are following. Being followed in a dream can mean that we are influencing others; negatively, it can represent the feeling that we are being pursued or followed by something out of our past—such as pain or guilt.

The Dream Encyclopedia, Second Edition © 2009 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.

follow …

An expression used in air traffic control. When transmitted to aircraft, it means “Adjust your taxi path (or flight path) and/or speed to follow the specified aircraft.”
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
References in classic literature ?
I may say, in short, that I took part in that glorious expedition, promoted by this time to be a captain of infantry, to which honourable charge my good luck rather than my merits raised me; and that day- so fortunate for Christendom, because then all the nations of the earth were disabused of the error under which they lay in imagining the Turks to be invincible on sea-on that day, I say, on which the Ottoman pride and arrogance were broken, among all that were there made happy (for the Christians who died that day were happier than those who remained alive and victorious) I alone was miserable; for, instead of some naval crown that I might have expected had it been in Roman times, on the night that followed that famous day I found myself with fetters on my feet and manacles on my hands.
When we then described to him the whole route he had followed, he sat up in bed trembling.
Now, indeed, was I in a pretty fix, for neither did I know which avenue to follow nor when danger lay directly in my path; but there was nothing else to be done than follow one of the corridors, for I could gain nothing by remaining where I was.
And just that night I was not followed! I walked across Regent's Park, and I dawdled on Primrose Hill, without the least result.
At once they followed her suggestion and moved around the fountain of the Water of Oblivion.
They did not know that this awful chamber lay just before them, or it were doubtful that they would have proceeded farther; but they saw that those they sought had come this way and so they followed, but within the gloomy interior of the chamber they halted, the three chiefs urging their followers, in low whispers, to close in behind them, and there just within the entrance they stood until, their eyes becoming accustomed to the dim light, one of them pointed suddenly to the thing lying upon the floor with one foot tangled in the coverings of the dais.
They had followed immediately behind him, thinking it barely possible that his actions might prove a clew to my whereabouts and had witnessed my short but decisive battle with him.
Here he took up the spoor of the Belgian, followed it across the clearing, over the palisade, and out into the dark jungle beyond.
Pierre did not understand a word, but the conviction that all this had to be grew stronger, and he meekly followed Anna Mikhaylovna who was already opening a door.
A great struggle for the body then follows, Aias taking up the body and carrying it to the ships, while Odysseus drives off the Trojans behind.
And, with that end in view, had he followed the woman, on her return to her master's place of abode?
A foolish wrangle followed; and Herncastle's unlucky temper got the better of him.