black babies

black babies

dated, offensive Any group (whether African or not) for whom charities or Catholic missionaries were sent to provide aid. The term fell into disuse as the racial diversity in poverty-stricken countries (and the inherently racist connotations of the term) came to be better understood. Primarily heard in Ireland. I still remember as a child when the priest would ask the congregation to give money to help the black babies in the poor parts of the world.
See also: baby, black
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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That's rooted in a statistic: At any given birth weight, except for the tiniest newborns, black babies tend to have better survival rates.
Black babies in states that expanded Medicaid are less likely to be born ahead of term or to have low birthweights than in states without expansion, a recent study finds.
The Roe v Wade decision rendered 60,000,000 lives unworthy of legal protection and has led to the deaths of over 20 million Black babies since 1973.
The Strictly Come Dancing winner, who headed there to raise awareness of charities funded by Comic Relief, was blasted for portraying the narrative of the 'white saviour' who rides into Africa to film with the poor black babies, cries on camera then jumps on a jet back to London.
In Charlotte, USA, black babies are almost five times more likely to die before age 1 than white babies.
She added that "day five for those who stayed on was meant to be a big day of driving but before departing, Abdullah, a local from Meetin, kindly welcomed a select group to see his seven-month-old camels, gorgeous, soft-nosed cuddly jet black babies who loved the extra attention".
Not once have the kneelers stressed a father figure in the home or questioned why 72 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock.
Richardson suggests that what bothers Parker most is the argument that abortion is a secret plot to kill black babies. "At a time when African-Americans are suffering tremendous amounts of economic disparity and human suffering, the antis want to compound the suffering by making people feel conflicted about controlling the size of their families," Richardson writes.
Black lives do not matter; it is mostly black babies who are aborted, with the full blessing of Barack Obama.
She then hatched a plot to snatch two mixed race or black babies from mums nearby.
Users posted photos of black babies and toddlers, spoofing the fear that Dunn testified he felt before opening fire on a car full of teens at a convenience store.
'We all gave to the black babies when were in school but we never thought they would come over 30 years later and thank us personally," he infamously said.
Such deaths were more likely in the late winter months and amongst boys, and there were more infant deaths among black babies.
Fessologue is also a sapeur, a Congolese term for elegantly dressed young men, whose Versace jackets and Weston shoes, rather than their color, define their identity; "tell me," he says, "how you tie your necktie and I will tell you who you are." Clothes help the immigrants seduce young French women, a way of creating black babies in France, as a revenge for colonialism.
Male and black infants accounted for a disproportionate number of deaths, with black babies making up more than a quarter of the total deaths.