baby boom

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the larger than expected generation in United States born shortly after World War II

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References in periodicals archive ?
As the babyboom generation ages (as well as generations X, Y & Z, for that matter), personal health and physical fitness have become more than just fashionable--they are recognized as fundamental to being able to enjoy life, pursue goals, and live longer.
Mind you, neither Stu nor I have anything against the younger generation--we're not that far from it ourselves, kind of at the tail end of the babyboom era.
This workshop offers background on the 'quiet crisis' suffered by cities who are ill-prepared for the nation's exploding senior population and will provide you the tools to avoid babyboom doom.
* Because the Babyboom population is nearing retirement, job opportunities for technical communicators in medicine, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, health insurance, and recreation and leisure will increase significantly in the next few years.
"In addition, the aging of the babyboom generation, increases in property taxes and property insurance, the cost and availability of energy and the impact of massive budget deficits are other issues that may have a significant impact on demand for real estate in the future," Bach said.
What on earth must kids of nine, even sixteen think of their babyboom mothers clad (or unclad) like this in their mid-fifties?
While some of the financing problems are due to the retirement of the outsized babyboom generation, both the programmes have design faults that are likely to make them unsustainable in the absence of ever-increasing tax rates.
The authors pointed out that, while relatively few young adults entered the market for the first time in the 1990s, this will change as the Babyboom Echo joins the workforce in large numbers.
A BABYboom is on its way - nine months after the millennium celebrations.
For Jewish women of my (babyboom) generation, the films Rivo describes, while not a portal to our grandmothers' "realities" (we're now sophisticated enough about representation to suppress that poignant hope), promise a formerly unimaginable proximity to their world.
This shift reflected the entry of the "babyboom" generation into the workforce.
families will further strengthen the financial position - and ultimately the living standards - of the babyboom generation and the generations to follow.
(Census Bureau statistics indicate the median Generation-Xer wedding features a groom of 26.8 years and a bride of 25, versus 24 and 22, respectively, at babyboom nuptials.) Although they haven't [TABULAR DATA OMITTED] hit their peak earning years, the median household income of $39,014 for 30- to 34-year-olds is closing in on the $45,517 for all nonelderly households.