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Slang; the act or practice of holding a losing investment for a relatively long period of time. One babysits an investment in hopes that the market will turn around and allow one eventually to break even.
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This will encourage people to use their baby-sitting hours sooner, and hence create more baby-sitting opportunities."
Shiozawa allegedly smashed the baby onto the floor while baby-sitting the infant at Shiozawa's own home, then in the residence quarters for MPD employees in Tokyo's Minato Ward.
A lot of this community building started out small: informal baby-sitting arrangements, larger baby-sitting co-ops, Tupperware parties.
Just a few years ago when teenagers wanted to run a business, the most exciting options were mowing lawns and baby-sitting. Today, teens are taking advantage of the technology they grew up with and creating their own businesses on the Internet.
Baby-sitting duties then fall to one or two of the oldest females.
Finally, Uhlig considers a formal "baby-sitting coop" model, taking up a line of argument promoted by Krugman (1999).
The change could improve anything from defense to baby-sitting. Whales with the improved technique would raise more young, who pick up the new trick.
The model he proposes is described in an article by Joan and Richard Sweeney entitled "Monetary Theory and the Great Capitol Hill Baby-sitting Co-op Controversy." The Sweeney's were members of a baby-sitting co-op where couples agreed to sit for each other's children on a rotating basis.
Teenage Kincaid didn't notice her brother's diapers needed changing because she spent more of the day reading than baby-sitting, since she "did not like anything else as much as I liked reading a book, a book of any kind." Her mother came home, saw the unchanged diaper and seeing it, realizing that her family's "prospects were not more than the contents," she "gathered all the books of mine she could find" and "set fire to them." Kincaid ends her book by revealing that she has "spent the rest of [her] life trying to bring those books back to [her] life by writing them again and again until they were perfect, unscathed by fire of any kind."
I would like to know what to do if you are baby-sitting and there is a fire.
Bear survives baby-sitting. And he knows what to do with his own crying baby when he gets home.
In the store's community room, classes are conducted on such topics as cooking, baby-sitting, floral arrangements and, recently, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.