Back Translation

Back Translation

The act of translating a previously translated text back into the original language. Back translation is used to confirm the reliability and accuracy of the translation. Back translation is used in market research in foreign countries, especially in high risk situations when one may not know very much about the local business culture.
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Stage III: Back translation: After finalizing version, a translator who was totally blind to the original questionnaire, translated it back into English.
Son tackles the much-discussed method of back translation in cross-national and cross-cultural research.
Question (back translation): There is increasing talk of a new Cold War.
Back translation The Brazilian Portuguese version was-translated to english by a professional translator who did not have access to the initial version and had no prior knowledge of the measure.
Back translation: following the guidelines of the MAPI group for the translation of the instrument, a native English-speaking translator with a good fluency of Colombian Spanish carried out a back translation from Spanish into English using the preliminary version.
In order to translate the scales following procedure was used: 1) obtaining permission from the authors of the scales; 2) forward translation of the scales by at least three independent translators; 3) selecting the most appropriate translation through committee approach; 4) back translation of the selected items into English by at least three independent translators; and 5) comparing the back translations with the original version of the scales through committee approach.
The translation of the instrument and its transcultural adaptation to the Brazlian population consisted of the following stages: translation, semantic analysis of the items and back translation of the instrument based on the studies by Beaton et al.
Back translation: "The authorization, so the dish next is eel done in front of monkey from baker of the port"
The back translation of the consensus version was carried out by two new translators that were teachers of English language from the English language unit of TUMS, and were blinded to the study.
After eliminating inconsistencies, analyzing conceptual equivalence and making it more comprehensible for target population, direct translation was given for Back Translation to subject and language expert, who had no knowledge about original version.
On the basis of their evaluation, one best scale of translated items was selected for back translation.