(redirected from Back To Work)
B2WBack to Work
B2WBorn to Win
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References in classic literature ?
No arguments could stop him, and three or four days later he declared that he was going back to work. He limped to the cars and got to Brown's, where he found that the boss had kept his place--that is, was willing to turn out into the snow the poor devil he had hired in the meantime.
We won't go back to work this afternoon, but knock off now, and call it half a day.
Then the company broke up, and I went back to work in my shop.
Come on!" cried voices, and eating up their bread, the mowers went back to work.
A few more months of that wretched life could matter nothing to the old man, but the few more months meant everything to him: he was getting to the end of his endurance, and when he thought of going back to work in the morning he shuddered with horror.
He did not go back to work in the shaft that day, nor the next, nor the next.
Bounderby then, and your brother sent me away, and I tried to find you, but you was not to be found, and I went back to work. Soon as I come out of the Mill to-night, I hastened to hear what was said of Stephen - for I know wi' pride he will come back to shame it!
In our profession we know something of human nature, and take my word for it, that the feller that came back to work out that shilling, will show himself one of these days in his true colours.
Men much relieved when search over, and went back to work cheerfully.
I just couldn't go back to work after bein' married.
And when we had eaten, all the food stored in the houses we stopped fighting and went back to work to pile up more food."
Then the poisonous cloud blew away, and we went back to work in a smoke that was no thicker now than that of an ordinary factory chimney.