(redirected from Back To The Past)
BTTPBilingual Teacher Training Program (California)
BTTPBack to the Planet (band)
BTTPBack To The Past
BTTPBack to the Point
BTTPBoston Terrier Tea Party (dog club; Massachusetts)
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References in classic literature ?
His memory went back to the past time--recalled the ill-placed passion of his youth, and the cruel injury inflicted on him--his pride was roused.
But her wide-open eyes first saw, through the slats of the coop, the blue waves of the ocean, now calm and placid, and her thoughts flew back to the past night, so full of danger and discomfort.
And still, the darker it grew, the more persistently my portrait led me back to the past, the more vividly the long-lost image of the child Mary showed itself to me in my thoughts.
"You only look back to the past, and it is, indeed, bad enough.
'It's time everybody starts looking to the future and doesn't simply harp back to the past.
"I'm afraid a strong government will mean going back to the past, when there was no freedom and people had to do whatever job they were assigned to."
Beal sees in Feathery's work a spirit of questioning established structures and looking back to the past. This chapter places Feathery's activities at the heart of intellectual inquiry of the late 1620s to 1641.
Mr Cook said Britain had good relations with Germany and would not hark back to the past.
Since this moment the new administration won't set the country back to the past. It is necessary to exclude restoration of the clan system.
On the other hand, BDI MP Adnan Jasari says that the opening of the Hague cases is contrary to the Law on Amnesty and this will bring us back to the past. Jasari, Memeti and former Minister of local self-government Faik Arslani are in the group of experts who together with their Macedonian colleagues are reviewing the Hague cases, say that they have informed the international factor.
I wouldn't want to go back to the past, but in my view weekend TV 30 or 40 years ago was a lot more entertaining.
When Doug discovers objects can travel back to the past, he resolves to turn back time to prevent the bomb being detonated.