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The total value of orders for a product that have not been filled. The backlog can help a company estimate its future earnings or other performance more accurately. This metric is used most often in manufacturing.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


a build-up of customer orders which a firm has agreed to deliver at specified future dates. Backlogging is one means by which a firm can ‘even out’ demand in relation to its production capacity, allowing delivery lead times to increase during peaks in demand and shorten during slack periods. Backlogs of orders can provide an alternative to STOCKHOLDING or OVERTIME working, and varying the backlog may be the only way of dealing with demand fluctuations in some service industries. See PRODUCTION SCHEDULING.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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"We identified some maintenance backlog figures and operating costs in the Wales consultation paper which were incorrectly entered.
Analyze the data to generate short-and long-term recommendations for reducing--if not eliminating--the deferred maintenance backlog. These findings and recommendations should be summarized and presented to administration for approval of a funding plan that achieves the institution's goals with respect to the ongoing condition of its facilities.
Total Living Construction, Springfield, Va., generally has a six-month to one-year backlog, and, operations manager Vit Miska says, "we have a great system in place so that clients never feel they are waiting around."
Therefore, our current solution to the backlog problem is this "bonus" issue.
The backlog of cases is now well under control and has been substantially eradicated."
The president and CEO of the company, I'll call her Janet, lamented about these issues when she confided being concerned that instead of having a constant backlog of orders ranging from eight to 10 weeks, the company's had shrunk to only five weeks.
Salazar has earlier called on the City Council to enact an ordinance appropriating funds for land banking and resettlement, including resolutions for the approval of the local shelter plan to address the backlog.
In her weekly radio show, Robredo called out Solicitor General Jose Calida for the more than a million backlog of cases in his office following his participation in the sedition complaint filed by police against her and other critics of the government.
In a statement, McDermott said it noted a "record-level order intake" during Q2 2019, resulting its highest backlog in the Mena region to date.