laid back

(redirected from backness)


1. Calm, casual, or at ease. The laid-back vibe of that restaurant is perfect for our party. Oh, I'm sure Tim isn't worried about any of this—he's so laid-back.
2. Intoxicated. Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You were really laid-back!

lay back

1. To put something down in its former position. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "lay" and "back." Please lay the dress back the way it was on the bed. I don't want it getting any wrinkles before the ceremony.
2. To cause or help someone to lie, lean, or recline on their back. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "lay" and "back." The doctor laid the patient back on the examination table.
3. In sports, especially soccer and rugby, to pass a ball backward to a teammate. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "lay" and "back." The forward laid the ball back to the midfielder, who belted the ball into the net. She tried to lay back the ball to the scrum-half before being tackled to the ground by number 8 on the opposing team.
4. To lie, lean, or recline on one's back. (In usages 4–6, "lay" is a common and erroneous variant of "lie.") Just lay back on the bed while I go get a damp washcloth for your forehead.
5. To maintain a calm, relaxed, and unperturbed demeanor, especially while waiting for something. Nothing to do now but lay back and wait for our royalty checks to come pouring in.
6. To stay behind and wait before taking action; to hang back. I think we should lay back and see what they do before we go barging in making accusations.
See also: back, lay
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

laid back

1. calm and relaxed. Willie is not what I would call laid back. You are really one laid-back guy!
2. intoxicated. He's a little laid back and can't come to the phone. How can those guys work when they are laid back by noon?
See also: back, laid
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

laid back

1. mod. calm and relaxed. Sam is not what I would call laid back.
2. mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. He’s a little laid back and can’t come to the phone.
See also: back, laid
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
The F0 mean values of the vowels set the basis for assessing vowel height and vowel backness as patterns associated with IF0.
The system now contains two binary oppositions, in backness and labialization: [u, I, e, (< *a, *a, *e), o (11) (< *u, *o, *o)].
(5.) There is an inherent tension between the frontness of [i] and the backness of [q] which invites changes.
In articulatory phonetics vowels are mainly described in terms of three features: (1) height of the tongue (2) backness of the tongue and (3) lip rounding.
For all three speakers, aa and aa are pronounced with approximately the same vowel height, whereas they differ in backness. However, lip-rounding or some other articulatory feature most likely play an additional role in maintaining this contrast.
Thus the suffixes in (2) harmonize with the corresponding stems in backness and partially also in rounding (2a).
Like the brilliant city he is from Mr Hudson mixes the beautiful laid backness of the Afro-Caribbean community with fantastical one liners that only a Brummie can muster.
As the above considerations have shown, /r/ repetition is crucial in DC, manifested also in feature harmony (backness).
According to Bollinger (1989), whereas full vowels are distinguished by their quality such as height, backness and roundness, reduced vowels can't be recognized by these characteristics.
Generally in articulatory phonetics vowel segments are described in shape of height of the tongue; backness of the tongue and lip rounding.
While keeping an eye on the patterns shown in Figure 6 (left and mid) in which the effect of [F.sub.2] is evident, most attention should be paid to Figure 6 (right) in which [F.sub.3] and [F.sub.4] are displayed and the drop in frequencies related to backness reduced.
When comparing the three places of articulation, it is apparent that VOT is significantly longer for velars than for bilabials and alveolars and that it increases with backness.
Accordingly,/E/represents vowels that undergo harmony for backness, and /I/ for both backness and rounding.