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A slang term for a cosigner, which is a third party to a loan guaranteeing that the loan will be repaid.
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Dissent between Mom and Dad is the most painful, but child-rearing differences arise just as often -when grandparents or baby-sitters show up on the scene.
"My baby-sitter phoned me at my work at Tesco, in Forfar, and I was given time off to go and look for the bin men."
In the midst of dressing, laying out the children's clothes and leaving daily instructions for her live-in baby-sitter to follow, Jiles-Johnson snatches a few moments to gab with her husband while he also gets ready for work.
We could wear the caring face of a baby-sitter, or a teacher, or a priest.
Determining the employment status of a baby-sitter, housecleaner or gardener can be difficult at best because there are no specific guidelines for the situations usually encountered when hiring domestic workers.
It's not actually my son I'm worried about - I'd be more concerned about the baby-sitter not being able to handle his tantrums.
Baby-sitter trainees learned about a variety of topics including how to care for infants and children, how to be good role models, interview for jobs, solve problems and handle emergencies.
Get a baby-sitter or a family member to look after the children and spend some time alone with your husband again, even if it's just for one night.
is the original and entertaining picturebook story of young Sammy and Sophie Shark, and the visit of their favorite baby-sitter as their parents leave for the night.
Conservative council leader Alison King said she personally would not have employed Mr Reeve as a baby-sitter, although she also criticised the Government for giving him the all-clear to work in schools.
So she's not got a baby-sitter to enable her to go out.