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A person, often a family member, who stays by the bedside of a patient of any age who requires mechanical ventilation, and guards for equipment malfunctions or other problems
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 A person, often an intelligent family member, who stays by the bedside of a Pt requiring mechanical ventilation, and guards for equipment malfunctions or other problems
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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If they refuse to change, then parents must quietly but firmly draw the line about how their children will be raised, even if that means replacing grandparents as baby-sitters.
I just thank God that he's there for them, that I have that backup." She adds that she's also grateful for Alex, her current live-in baby-sitter. After trying a number of part-time sitters, the Johnsons now rely on live-in help to care for the children during the day, in exchange for free room, board and a modest wage.
It means I've never taken advantage of baby-sitters much and it drives my husband mad because we've barely been out on our own since he was about two.
Marie went missing from her home after telling the baby-sitter that she would return home shortly, possibly after visiting a client.
A 12-year-old baby-sitter was on police bail last night after being questioned over the death of a 16-month-old girl she had been looking after.
In truth, it was actually a story about a woman whose husband had run off with their children's 16year-old baby-sitter and left her both emotionally and financially bankruptIt didn't make for the cheeriest read but alongside the text was a picture of the poor dejected soul posing like a haddie with a caption exclaiming 'Clare has lost a stone and a half since her husband's cruel betrayal'.
Duah has been shown the door at the Nationwide South club after a series of bust-ups with Cornforth, who claims the front man missed one game because he couldn't get a baby-sitter.
Eleanor Laws, prosecuting, told the court how Tann established himself in the Whitstable community and claimed to have worked as a baby-sitter for 10 years, as well as raising funds for charities including the NSPCC.
Her pictures include the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Cllr Sheila Collins and Kip her chauffeur, Scooby the Big Issue seller and Will who shares his pitch and Michelle the gothic mum and her baby-sitter Steve.
ONLY the best will do for Jodie Foster's three-month-old son Charlie - which is why he has superstar Mel Gibson as a baby-sitter.
An obsessed husband arranged to have concentrated nitric acid thrown in the face of his estranged wife - only for the teenage baby-sitter to be scarred by mistake, a court was told yesterday.