baby's bed

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FRANTIC parents found a fox on their baby's bed after it bit him as he slept.
They include always placing a baby on its back to sleep; using a firm sleep surface covered by a fitted sheet; not having the baby sleep in the parents' bed; removing soft objects such as pillows, toys and quilts from a baby's bed; and eliminating all smoking during pregnancy, which doctors estimate would prevent a third of SIDS deaths.
The experiences in Mongolia are humorous, with an imperious rooster checking out the surprised baby's bed.
Mona Hatoum's Incommunicado is a cot made of metal and wire, more a prison than a baby's bed, and Robert Gober's Tilted Play Pen is similarly unsuitable.
These are very easy projects and lend to both baby's bed and improving basic quilter skills.
A note of hope is introduced in the play: Tshepang (meaning: hope) is seen as a saviour of this community (also indicated by the subtitle of the play: "The Third Testament"), while the theme of love--perhaps unconventionally--also constantly surfaces in the characters' dialogue (Simon's declaration of love for Ruth) and actions (Ruth's desperate carrying of her baby's bed on her back through-out the play).
For a really personal final touch, you could create a patchwork cover for your baby's bed that can grow as he or she does.
Yes, I do believe that a cat would jump into a baby's bed to cuddle, but I have never heard of a baby being suffocated.
'I think you might.' To my horror, she flicked up the wheel locks on Baby's bed, as efficiently as she had done the opposite all that time ago when I first sat on the bed.
The idea comes from Finland where the boxes are a gift of the government and used as a baby's bed for up to the first six to eight months of their life.