floppy baby syndrome

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Related to floppy baby syndrome: cerebral palsy, floppy infant syndrome

floppy baby syndrome

Colloquial term for an abnormally limp posture in an infant lying prone due to an inability to maintain flexed ligaments or muscles. Also called "floppy infant syndrome." We were only made aware of our child's spinal muscular atrophy when she began showing signs of floppy baby syndrome. Well, how do you treat floppy baby syndrome? How can we help our daughter to strengthen her muscles? Please do not call it "floppy baby syndrome" in front of patients. Use the term "hypotonia" instead.
See also: baby, floppy, syndrome
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Table-1: Baseline characteristics and electro-diagnostic impression among children evaluated for floppy baby syndrome.
The children all suffered from the incurable genetic muscle-wasting condition spinal muscular atrophy, or "floppy baby syndrome".
Also known as floppy baby syndrome, the genetic condition leaves children with little control of their movements and can drastically shorten life expectancy.
The inherited disease, which is also known as floppy baby syndrome, leaves children with little or no control of their movements.
The research, published online today in the Journal of Cell Biology, reveals how a team at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) has restored muscle function in mice with one type of Floppy Baby Syndrome - a congenital myopathy disorder that causes babies to be born without the ability to properly use their muscles.