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Don't let your toddler play you for a dummy; Getting rid of the soother from an early age prevents problems with speech and teeth p.

"YAY!!! One week without a dummy!! Gone forever now...

Well done Kai," Coleen Rooney revealed this week on Twitter.

Wayne Rooney's other half likely decided to take action after pictures emerged of her three-year-old son sitting on a sunbed in the Caribbean happily sucking on his dummy while playing on an iPad.

The irony wasn't lost on a lot of critics; he was old enough to work a reasonably sophisticated piece of technology, yet still had one of the biggest symbols of babyhood stuffed between his lips.

Those of us who gave our kids dummies weren't at all shocked by those pictures, and I for one congratulate Coleen on getting rid of his beloved soother at the tender age of three - my youngest son was six before I persuaded him to part with it.

I say persuaded because once they get beyond the age of two, your child has to be on board or there will be hell to pay.

I gave my sons dummies at four months when tummy troubles woke them several times a night. I tried everything to ease their discomfort but, in the end, it was the good old dummy that settled them best.

At the age of two I stopped giving them the dummy at all during the day, but the night-time routine was well and truly established.

As my eldest grew, he would suck his dummy to get to sleep then it would fall out of his mouth and remain on his pillow. I left it until he had just turned four, then persuaded him to part with it in exchange for Tidmouth Sheds.

My youngest was a different kettle of fish. He coughed most nights, had frequent fevers and constant colds. It was his dummy that became his greatest comfort.

At the dentist when he was four, I was told in no uncertain terms his overbite wasn't going to get better unless the dummy went. I tried to persuade him to give it up, but never had the heart to force him.

There are various pros and cons with dummies, the obvious plus being they help settle distressed and/or tired children. They've also been proven to prevent cot death.

But prolonged use starts to dramatically add to the list of cons, as dentist Dr Andrew Bruce of the Glasgow Smile Gallery warns.

"You would usually use a dummy for six to 12 months, but try to wean children when they are about a year old. A rule of thumb is around the time they start to speak.

"If kids wander about all day with a dummy it can affect their speech as it restricts their tongue. Longterm use means it separates the top and bottom teeth and you end up with a big gap called an open bite."

Speech therapist, Linda Morrison added: "There are two important elements to learning language; you have to hear a lot of it and use a lot if it and if you're not able to speak for a few hours a day you're not getting the practice required."

But Dr Bruce is all too aware of just how difficult it can be to take away a child's comforter.

He said: "Some kids can go crazy if they don't get the dummy. But what works really well for older ones is the 'dummy fairy'. Tell them a younger baby needs the dummy and the dummy fairy is coming at night to take it away and will leave them a present as a reward."

And it was a reward that worked for my son. Our realisation we just had to separate him from the dummy coincided with his finding love in the form of Pirates of the Caribbean.

The prospect of owning the Black Pearl was thrilling enough to break the night-time spell.

He agreed to give the dummy up, and that was the end of that.

soon - u th wc Once a dummy is out of sight it's out of mind - unlike the thumb sucker, who faces constant temptation.

te Ka very reward giving up habit, and s be just a memory Coleen whe thwn No doubt Kai has been richly rewarded for his little soon it will distant - while debates whether to start the cycle again with baby number two.


'The dentist said his overbite wasn't going to get any better unless the dummy went'


SNAPPED Three-year old Kai with dummy and iPad while on holiday
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Jan 25, 2013
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