Babylonian Captivity

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Babylonian captivity

1. (Judaism) the exile of the Jews in Babylonia from about 586 to about 538 bc
2. (Historical Terms) the exile of the seven popes in Avignon (1309–77)
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Noun1.Babylonian Captivity - the deportation of the Jews to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC
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References in periodicals archive ?
But that conviction united the Jews through the Babylonian Captivity, "and so began modern congregational religion," Bramnik said.
Thus he asserted in his "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church":
Here Babylon stands for oppression and exile, a meaning that comes directly from the Old Testament, Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
39Which king destroyed Jerusalem and took the Israelites into the "Babylonian captivity in 586BC?
39 Which powerful king destroyed Jerusalem and took the Israelites into the "Babylonian captivity" in 586BC?
Students viewed artefacts from biblical times, including the 2500-year old Cyrus cylinder which tells of the release of the Jews from Babylonian captivity by Cyrus the Great of Persia around 539 BCE.
Its symbols were wrecked to avenge the Babylonian Captivity by destroying over 9,000 years of Iraqi heritage either by pilfering and ransacking the Iraqi museums and smuggling the artifacts, or else by assassinating the contemporary wealth of knowledge that Iraq had managed to build up over the past eight decades.
She begins her investigation with the campaigns of Pedro de Aragon, Birgitta of Sweden, and Catherine of Siena to bring the Avignonese papacy (the so-called Babylonian Captivity) back to Rome a few years before the initiation of the Schism in April 1378, and she ends it with the crisis's resolution in the early fifteenth century.
Chapter 2 addresses the reactions of saints and visionaries to the so-called Babylonian captivity and the call for a return of the papacy to Rome from the 1360s to the beginning of the schism through the writings of Pedro of Aragon, Birgitta of Sweden, and Catherine of Siena, the latter of whom reveals an intriguing protonationalistic view of the schism (51).
It chronicles centuries of conflict involving Arabs, Byzantines, and the Hunnish horsemen of the Asian plains, but the main Persian actors are not the Assyrians who figure in the Old Testament's Babylonian captivity, but the Sasanians, the post-Alexandrine power that outdid Rome in extirpating the Parthians as a military force.
The result was a historical period of great significance--the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
It was the first time two non-Italians in a row have been named pope since seven Frenchmen reigned from Avignon rather than Rome during what Italians called the papacy's 'Babylonian captivity' of 1305-1378