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Capital way to learn.

STUDENTS from a Nuneaton college went on a technicolour whirlwind tour of London - and crowned it with the hottest ticket in town.

The 32 students from King Edward VI College visited London as part of their Alevel religious studies course.

They visited the British Museum and Harrods, before being entertained by singer and BBC talent contest winner, Lee Mead in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Adelphi Theatre.

Two of the students on the trip were on an exchange visit from France.

Their English host Amy Jones took them along with her and the rest of the class.

Amy said: "It was lovely to be able to show our new friends from France a day in London that they will always remember and hopefully enjoyed as much as everyone else did."

The students' first port of call on their trip was the British Museum.

Students viewed artefacts from biblical times, including the 2500-year old Cyrus cylinder which tells of the release of the Jews from Babylonian captivity by Cyrus the Great of Persia around 539 BCE.

Teacher Zoe Denston said: "This has really helped their understanding of the course material.

"We study biblical archaeology and the history behind the Bible and it is nice for them to see what they have been learning about first hand."

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Publication:Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Mar 8, 2008
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