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Related to Chaldea: Chaldean, Persia
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Synonyms for Chaldea

an ancient region of Mesopotamia lying between the Euphrates delta and the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Desert

an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia

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References in periodicals archive ?
Fortune telling, or divination, was practiced in ancient China, Egypt, Chaldea, and Babylonia, as long ago as 4,000 B.C.
Some points of correspondence between the folk-lore of central Africa and that of Kafirs, and Chaldea. Cape Town.
In addition to the footnote explaining Al-Aaraaf, he references Persepolis, 'Erayco'(glossed as 'Chaldea'), Balbec, Egypt, Gomorrah, and the Simoom, a desert wind associated with the Arabian peninsula, all to the purpose of illustrating both the potency and the fragility of abstract beauty.
According to the biblical tradition, four thousand years ago, Abraham left Chaldea to go to the Holy Country.
The ruins, he notes, are located in the deserts of Arabia, towards the kingdom of Chaldea. Unfortunately, he continues, he has been unable to visit the region, for it has become a wretched place, a wilderness crawling with snakes and venomous creatures.
Kierkegaard recounts how Phalaris, tyrant of Agrigentum in Sicily (like Nebuchadnezzar, tyrant of Chaldea), roasted his victims alive inside a hollow brass bull, but put reeds into the bull's nostrils to transmute their horrific cries into music.
We should thus end the war, and would have settled the account with Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea on behalf of our ancestors." Ben-Gurion, 1948 ((Michael Bar-Zohar, Ben-Gurion; the Armed ProphetCA, p130)
Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Lank Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, & C.
The result is a sumptuously illustrated and well documented history of the country whose borders include the ruins of ancient Nineveh, Chaldea, (Abraham's birthplace), Babylon and Samara.
This Church is made up of 21 self-governing churches, all under one of five Patriarchates: Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, Chaldea or Armenia.