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Related to Chaldaea: Chaldean, Persia
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Synonyms for Chaldaea

an ancient region of Mesopotamia lying between the Euphrates delta and the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Desert

an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia

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References in periodicals archive ?
16 Mars Australia, New Zealand Best Worldwide Occultations by Minor Planets, Mid-May to December 2003 2003 Occulting Diameter Date UT body (km) May 19 [10.1.sup.h] 78 Diana 116 May 20 [22.7.sup.h] 1232 Cortusa 33 May 31 [21.3.sup.h] 107 Camilla 237 June 3 [6.2.sup.h] 363 Padua 96 June 6 [12.8.sup.h] 267 Tirza 52 June 8 [7.3.sup.h] 179 Klytaemnestra 81 June 14 [9.4.sup.h] 773 Irmintraud 99 June 20 [15.8.sup.h] 690 Wratislavia 140 June 24 [10.6.sup.h] 124 Alkeste 80 June 26 [4.6.sup.h] 976 Benjamina 87 July 7 [2.2.sup.h] 469 Argentina 129 July 12 [11.8.sup.h] 313 Chaldaea 101 July 18 [6.1.sup.h] 1263 Varsavia 49 July 19 [8.6.sup.h] 976 Benjamina 87 July 22 [1.4.sup.h] 396 Aeolia 34 July 26 [0.2.sup.h] 1294 Antwerpia 34 Aug.
The January 7th occultation of 59 Orionis by Chaldaea (discussed below) is an especially good video or binocular opportunity.
A finder chart appeared on page 119 of last month's issue for the star 59 Orionis, occulted by Chaldaea on January 7th.