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Babur (bäˈbər) [Turk.,=lion], 1483–1530, founder of the Mughal empire of India. His full name was Zahir ud-Din Muhammad. A descendant of Timur (Tamerlane) and of Jenghiz Khan, he succeeded (1494) to the principality of Fergana in central Asia. His early life was spent in an ultimately unsuccessful struggle to retain his inheritance and to recover Samarkand (Timur's capital) from the Uzbeks. In 1504, however, he captured Kabul and established a kingdom in Afghanistan. After the failure of his final attempt (1512) on Samarkand, Babur began raids southward into India. In 1525, responding to an invitation from the governor of the Punjab to overthrow the sultan of Delhi, Babur launched an invasion. Although his force was small, he defeated the sultan at Panipat in 1526 and captured Agra and Delhi. He ultimately conquered nearly all of N India. Babur was also a distinguished poet. His autobiography, The Baburnama (tr. by A. S. Beveridge, 1922, and by W. M. Thackston, 1996), is his most important work. His son Humayun succeeded him. Babur's name is also transliterated Baber and Babar.


See biographies by F. Grenard (tr. 1930, repr. 1971) and M. Hasan (1986); study by R. D. Palsokar (1971).

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, Babar, Babur
original name Zahir ud-Din Mohammed 1483--1530, founder of the Mogul Empire: conquered India in 1526
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Babur said since the government was committed to boost tourist activities in the country, it had assigned the board's working groups to devise a policy at earliest for highlighting true potential of tourism sector through massive promotional campaigns.
"It was Babur who ordered his military commander to build the mosque.
The reason Babur came to mind was because the historian William Dalrymple has taken himself off to Akshikent Babur's childhood home which is situated above the Sirdarya and has been tweeting from there.
Babur is capable of delivering different kinds of payloads and employs underwater controlled propulsion, advanced guidance and navigation features.
The Babri Mosque issaid to have been built by Mughal Emperor Babur in 1526.
In a way the fallout of what Mahmud did, or the Mongol Taimur did, or the Mughal Babur did, lives in one form or another in our collective sub-conscious memory, just as 1947 impacts our current communal mindset.
Talking about his play Sons of Babur , Salman Khurshid told City Times : "I have been reading about Mughals since childhood.
The writer-politician's thought-provoking satire Sons of Babur, will be staged on October 12, along with another popular comedy, Ghalib in New Delhi .
We experience it through the rapt expressions on the faces of guards and lifelong friends Babur (Arian Moayed) and Humayun (Omar Metwally).
Dr Afzal Babur questions whether court orders would also be applicable on army institutions ISLAMABAD:Three different decisions given by three high courts pertaining to summer vacation fee further complicated things for the private sector schools having networks in major cities of the country.