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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(until 1941, Mysovsk), a city in Kabansk Raion, Buriat ASSR, on the southern shore of Lake Baikal. It has the Mysovaia station on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Population, 9,000 (1967). There is a timber industry enterprise and transshipment of timber from Lake Baikal to the railroad; there is also a rail-welding plant. The city was founded in 1892 as the Mysovaia Postal Station and was renamed in honor of the revolutionary I. V. Babushkin, who was executed by firing squad at the Mysovaia station in 1906.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Potchinkov's house, 47, Babushkin's flat, remember!"
Release date- 28082019 - Head of the Astrakhan Region Igor Babushkin and President of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov signed an agreement on cooperation for the next five years and discussed future projects to develop mineral resources, implement programs for generation of electric power and other initiatives, crucial for the social development of the region, in Astrakhan today.
Echoing similar sentiments, Deputy Chief of Russian Embassy in India, Roman Babushkin, informed that during the closed-door event at the UNSC, Russia reiterated that Kashmir is an internal issue of India.
Interim Governor of the Astrakhan Region of the Russian Federation Igor Babushkin proposed opening regular flights from Astrakhan Airport to Ashgabat, Atyrau and Tehran, TASS reports .
The delegation of the Astrakhan region will be headed by acting governor of the region Igor Babushkin. The corresponding documents are planned to be signed with the Turkmen side.
2 (1923): 32-33; Babushkin, Recollections, 133; Knyshev, Zarevo nad Brianskoi, 22-23.
Commenting on the announcement, Michael Babushkin, CEO of Devexperts, said: "It is a great honor and challenge for us to choose Bulgaria as the R&D center for Devexperts.
Gurari, F.G., Volkova, V.S., Babushkin, A.E., Golovina, A.G., Nikitin, V.P., Nekrasov, A.I., Kriventsov, A.V., Dolya, Zh.A., Kolykhanov, Yu.M.
Regev Cohen, Frida Babushkin, Maurice Shapiro, Martina Uda, Yafit Atiya-Nasagi, Dar Klein, Talya Finn
(69) Andrei Babushkin, "Nakonets-to sostoialos' pervoe zasedanie Komissii po korrektirovke reformy ugolovno-ispolnitel'noi," blog, 23 January 2014 (http://an-babushkin.livejournal.
After visiting three of the five ethnic Chechen suspects at Moscow's Lefortovo prison, rights activist Andrey Babushkin said the men detained over the Feb.
"There are reasons that lead us to believe Zaur Dadayev confessed under torture," said Andrei Babushkin, adding he had seen "numerous wounds" on the body of the prime suspect in the killing during a visit to his Moscow prison cell on Tuesday.