Tower of Babel

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Synonyms for Tower of Babel

(Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven

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References in periodicals archive ?
The book begins with "The Tower of Babel," which serves at once as a sort of invocation of the muses and a credo justifying the deformations and reformations in the stories that follow.
Stanley - who was to play a lead role in his dance production of The Tower of Babel - spent five hours in Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary.
The translation into English that was published as Auto-da-Fe (also published as The Tower of Babel) was done in cooperation with Canetti.
So, after this whirlwind tour around the Tower of Babel, where do you find yourself?
These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies--they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words--opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success--just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.
Tearing Down the Tower of Babel In the meantime, the hardware improved, for even small, relatively unsophisticated computers are now faster and more powerful than many "50s-vintage mainframes.
Disparate EFT requirements among the States stand as a veritable Tower of Babel -- confusing taxpayers, increasing their compliance costs, and generally denying them the benefits offered by electronic data interchange (EDI) technology.
"It's as if we merged the ivory tower with the Tower of Babel. These limitations are frustrating researchers across the country."
Tower of Babel has come to signify an ambitious or visionary scheme; the word babel has become associated with a confused uproar in which nothing can be heard but the hubbub.
The Biblical story of the Tower of Babel was supposedly a symbol of humanity's ambition to exist as one nation and achieve perfection.
Another work is a painting depicting the Tower of Babel, which is based on the famous mythical story told in the Old Testament.
THE Tower of Babel on TV last night, with seven party leaders shouting for your vote, was far from a perfect debate - but alas, it's the best we'll get during this general election.
Many of the chapters are studies of paintings of various periods in early modern Antwerp, discussing areas such as Pieter BruegelAEs Tower of Babel as an allegory of artistic choice.
This time we will focus on how Jubilees dealt with the narratives connected with the Tower of Babel, as compared to the rabbinic Midrash.
The idea of a universal human language goes back at least to the Bible, in which humanity spoke a common tongue, but were punished with mutual unintelligibility after trying to build the Tower of Babel all the way to heaven.