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(ˌɑ dəˌpɑ zəˈri)

a city in NW Turkey. 186,000.
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References in periodicals archive ?
After he had a position of regional command near Adapazari, he drifted away from the Ankara Government and joined in the Greek side.
The pollens of Castanea sativa being the predominant pollen were also reported from honey samples obtained from Adapazari, Rize, Bursa in Turkey (Sorkun et al., 1989; Dogan and Sorkun, 2001; Erdogan et al., 2006).
In Turkey, it is well known that badgers particularly inhabit the regions of Adana, Adapazari, Ankara, Aydin, Balikesir, Bingol, Burdur, Denizli, Eskisehir, Isparta, Kahramanmaras, Konya, Mersin, Mugla, Ordu, Trabzon, and Zonguldak.
It covers Istanbul Asian side, Kocaeli and Adapazari hinterlands and well connected with major ports of the world, information on its website showed.
To illustrate, for Esref's Adapazari missions in the first years of the Republican era, the author develops the account mostly from the viewpoint of Esref and his household.
(5) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Sakarya University, Adapazari, Turkey
(2) Foreign Languages Department, Sakarya University, 54187 Adapazari, Sakarya, Turkey.
He explained that this technique can be successfully applied in various areas to take best decision like in public administration to develop evaluation criteria and assign ratings to vendors, to allocate the resources to their diverse activities in the Department of Defense in US, to determine the best relocation site for the earthquake devastated Turkish city Adapazari in 2001, British Airways used it in 1998 to choose the entertainment system vendor for its entire fleet of airplanes, Xerox Corporation has used the AHP to allocate close to a billion dollars to its research projects, the AHP has been used in student admissions, military personnel promotions and hiring decisions.
Liquefaction related building damage in Adapazari during the Turkey earthquake of August 17, 1999.
It will be produced at the company's Adapazari plant in Turkey, and mass production will be underway in late-2016 according to Turkey's Investment Support and Promotion Agency.
Environmental Accounting, DegisimYayinlari, Adapazari