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(Elements & Compounds) a yellow poisonous crystalline solid that readily sublimes; diphenylaminechlorarsine. It is used in chemical warfare as a vomiting agent. Formula: C6H4AsClNHC6H4; relative density: 1.65; melting pt: 195°C; boiling pt: 410°C. Also called: phenarsazine chloride
[C20: named after Roger Adams (1899–1971), American chemist]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(26) There are even passages where Loy seems deliberately to invoke Mauberley (note her Poundian use of rhyme in the following): His passionate-anticipation of warming in his arms his rose to a maturer coloration which was all of aspiration the grating upon civilization of his sensitive organism had left him splinters upon an adamsite opposition of nerves like stalactites (p.
But another North Adamsite, Julia White, suggests that cooperation among the groups had a more serious origin in what I take to be a form of (working) class solidarity.
Lachrymators (tear-producing agents) like chloroacetone (CA), xylyl bromide (white cross), and chloroacetophenone (CN), along with vomiting agents diphenylaminearsine (DM and adamsite) and chlorpicrin (PS) were used in hand grenades, mortar rounds, and artillery shells.