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baobab (bäˈōbăbˌ, bāˈō–), gigantic tree, Adansonia digitata, of India and Africa, exceeded in trunk diameter only by the sequoia. The hollow trunks of living baobabs have been used for dwellings; rope and cloth are made from the bark and condiments and medicines from the leaves; and the gourdlike fruit (monkey bread) is eaten. Research in the 21st cent. has indicated that the hollow trunks of large trees are in many instances a cavity that is created by the fusion of multiple stems, each of which in some cases is hundreds of years old. The Australian baobab, Adansonia gregorii, is also called boab or sour gourd. In spite of the enormous girth of the trees, they are not particularly tall, and thus have a bottlelike appearance. Baobab is classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Malvales, family Bombacaceae.
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a bombacaceous tree, Adansonia digitata, native to Africa, that has a very thick trunk, large white flowers, and a gourdlike fruit with an edible pulp called monkey bread
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Cracknell then contacted Cycad International as they were aware that the latter was exporting the Australian baobab Adansonia gregorii.
The polyphenol-rich baobab fruit (Adansonia digitata L.) reduces starch Digestion and glycemic response in humans.
Adansonia digitata, baobab genetic diversity, Africa, Indian subcontinent, inferred ancestry, cultural symbolism
In addition, triterpenoids and saponins in choroform; saponins in hexane; steroids, saponins, tannins and alkaloids in methanol extracts of Adansonia digitata had revealed their toxicity against Ae.
The production of jam from indigenous fruits using baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) powder as a substitute for commercial pectin.
For his thesis titled: "Modulation of the redox status, phase 2 drug metabolizing enzymes and fumonisin-induced cancer promotion in rat liver by selected southern African medicinal plants", Dr Hikuam characterised antioxidant contents and capacities of Adansonia digitata, Agathosma betulina, Siphonochilus aethiopicus and Myrothamnus flabellifolius.
Colombo, April 1 -- Two huge Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata), in Tamil Peruku Maram and Ali gas in Sinhalese are found in Neduntievu (Delft Island) and in Pallimunai, Mannar.
There are nine species in the genus Adansonia, one occurring in Australia and the others African.
It involves on-farm protection and management of useful trees that has fed about 2.5 m people: Faidherbia albida, a nitrogen fixing species that improves soil fertility and provides fodder for livestock, Pilostigma reticulatum and Guiera senegalensis for fodder, Combretum glutinosum for firewood, and Adansonia digatat for edible nutritious leaves.