ADAPSAutomated Debt Auction Processing System (Philippines)
ADAPSAtherton & District Amateur Photographic Society (Manchester, UK)
ADAPSAutomatic Display and Plotting System
ADAPSAnthropometric Design Assessment Program System (ergonomics software)
ADAPSAutomatic Data Acquisition and Processing System
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Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) drug assistance programs (ADAPs) provide access to medications for people who lack other health coverage.
More than a dozen states, ranging from New Jersey to North Dakota, rely solely on Federal funding for their ADAPs (8).
Nine state ADAPs have already closed [to new patients] including: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, and South Dakota.
The BTr said the Adaps system will now be used for business continuity planning (BCP) purposes only.
On average, there was $28,000 worth of skills missing in each role assessed in the Adaps study and $73,300 worth of value being provided.
By providing medication for those without coverage from public or private insurers, ADAPs have succeeded in providing a critical service to vulnerable populations living with HIV/AIDS.
Thanks to the Medicare Part D plan pushed by the Bush administration and passed by Congress, however, low-income patients now have broader access to AIDS drug coverage, and people like Woods are coming off waiting lists as well as getting meds not covered by ADAPs. In early July, Kentucky had 143 patients on the waiting list, according to state HIV/AIDS program manager Sigga Jagne, and she expects that number to decrease by as much as 100% by December.
* June 2002: Save ADAP Committee is founded (part of ATAC).
Our alternative definition of 5-year Federal budget impact considered only direct health care costs incurred by Medicaid, Medicare, and ADAPs. We did not consider any additional impact of the demonstration projects on the Federal budget for programs funded by the Ryan White CARE Act other than ADAPs, because no changes in these programs were indicated in the waiver applications, nor did we consider the possibility of crowd-out of private insurance coverage.
What about the Ryan White CARE Act and ADAP? "Looking forward, it is expected that ADAPs will increasingly feel the effects of the economic downturn and state budget crises.
and the ADAP Crisis Task Force (ACTF) have announced a series of initiatives to help struggling state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) continue to provide people living with HIV access to medicines.