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conspiracy, in law, agreement of two or more persons to commit a criminal or otherwise unlawful act. At common law, the crime of conspiracy was committed with the making of the agreement, but present-day statutes require an overt step by a conspirator to further the conspiracy. It is not necessary for guilt that the act be fully consummated. Many acts that would not be criminal if accomplished by an individual alone may nevertheless be the object of a conspiracy. With the rise of the labor movement in the 19th cent., British and American courts used this legal consent against unions; courts held that while an individual employee might lawfully abstain from work, the concerted stoppage of a group of employees, as in a strike, might be criminal. In 1875, Britain passed a law exempting unions from prosecution for conspiracy, and in 1932 the U.S. Congress passed a law that limited the power of federal courts to restrain union activity. Other controversial aspects of conspiracy laws include the modification of the rules of evidence and the potential for a dragnet. A statement of a conspirator in furtherance of the conspiracy is admissible against all conspirators, even if the statement includes damaging references to another conspirator, and often even if it violates the rules against hearsay evidence. The conspiracy can be proved by circumstantial evidence. Any conspirator is guilty of any substantive crime committed by any other conspirator in furtherance of the enterprise. It is a federal crime to conspire to commit any activity prohibited by federal statute, whether or not Congress imposed criminal sanctions on the activity itself. An individual injured by a conspiracy may sue the conspirators to recover damages.
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See also Intrigue.
Constancy (See LOYALTY.)
Babington Plot
abortive plot to assassinate Elizabeth I; sealed Mary Stuart’s fate (1586). [Br. Hist.: NCE, 202]
Black Friday
(September 24, 1869) gold speculation led to financial panic. [Am. Hist.: Van Doren, 259]
plotted against Caesar with Cassius and Casca. [Br. Lit.: Julius Caesar]
intriguer and accomplice in plot against Caesar. [Br. Lit.: Julius Caesar]
conspires against Cardinal Richelieu. [Fr. Lit.: Cinq-Mars]
Cointet brothers
use a corrupt lawyer to ruin a young printer and cheat him of his invention. [Fr. Lit.: Balzac Lost Illusions in Magill II, 595]
Doctors’ Plot
physicians falsely tried for trying to poison Stalin. [Jew. Hist.: Wigoder, 160]
Duke of Buckingham
Richard III’s “counsel’s consistory”; assisted him to throne. [Br. Lit.: Richard III]
Fawkes, Guy
(1570–1606) leader of Gunpowder Plot to blow up Houses of Parliament (1605). [Br. Hist.: EB, IV: 70, 801]
Gunpowder Plot
See Fawkes, Guy.
Joseph’s brothers
sold him into slavery out of envy and hatred. [O.T.: Genesis 37:18–28]
(1720–1769) brains behind widespread American Indian uprising (1762). [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 398]
plots and successfully executes overthrow of Zechariah. [O.T.: II Kings 15:10]
political intrigue leading to resignation of Pres. Nixon. [Am. Hist.: EB, X: 568–569]
Woman in White, The
Laura Fairlie is unjustly confined to an insane asylum in a plot to obtain her money. [Br. Lit.: Magill I, 1125]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The motion is to be discussed on September 11, Supreme Court spokesperson Alexandra Va#382anovaacute said, as quoted by the Sme daily.The reasons for this steps are, according to Kovaacute#269ik, Harabin's statements in the conspiracy broadcaster Slobodnyacute Vysiela#269 about the scandal surrounding conspirator Tibor Rostas and the search police made at his home by the end of February.
Six conspirators, armed with grenades and pistols, had lined up the route taken by the Archduke and his wife Sophia on his visit to inaugurate a hospital at the invitation of the governor of the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Friday said that he recently received a telephone call threatening him over his statement on the hanging of Parliament attack conspirator Afzal Guru.
"The Conspirator" recently released on DVD, deserves an audience, especially in these dark days of never-ending wars and "See something, Say something" government-stoked paranoia.
The Conspirator is a fascinating true story of a shameful episode in America's legal history when the Constitution was torn to shreds in the name of so-called national unity.
Initially, he views her with contempt, believing her guilty of the crime, but when it emerges that her son John(Johnny Simmons) is one of the alleged conspirators and he eluded capture, Aiken wonders if Mary is being put on the stand to flush her boy out of hiding.
Aiken realises his client may be innocent and is being used as bait in order to capture the only conspirator to have escaped a massive manhunt, her son, John (Johnny Simmons).
DRAMA THE CONSPIRATOR 2hrs 3mins Certificate: 12A Starring: James McAvoy, Robin Wright, Tom Wilkinson, Danny Huston Director: Robert Redford Star rating: ???PRIL 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth assassinated the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, as part of a far-reaching conspiracy.
This reprint of a study of Mary Surratt, the 44-year-old widow who ran the boarding house where conspirators gathered to plan President Lincoln's assassination, coincides with the April 2011 release of a new film on the same topic, The Conspirator, directed by Robert Redford.
Acquired Wednesday by Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions, Redford's Lincoln assassination saga "The Conspirator" arguably was the biggest film to enter the prestigious Toronto festival without a distributor already in place.
His brother Berthold, also executed as a conspirator, said under interrogation that he and his brother "had basically approved of the racial principle of National Socialism, but considered it to be exaggerated and excessive ...