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Related to Consortium: Loss of consortium


1. an association of financiers, companies, etc., esp one formed for a particular purpose
2. Law the right of husband or wife to the company, assistance, and affection of the other
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in biogeocenology, an association of populations of organisms whose vital activity revolves around the central species of a phytocoenosis, an autotrophic plant.

An edificator, the main species that determines the characteristics of the phytocoenosis, usually acts as the central species of the consortium. Other species, including heterotrophic organisms (parasites, saprophytes), are sometimes associated with the central species in a one-sided manner—through consumption or in providing shade. This nucleus of a consortium is the source of existence for the second, third, and subsequent circles that are made up of organisms that destroy the organic matter created by the central and other autotrophic species that use the energy they contain. The term “consortium” has been applied in the 1970’s to the symbiosis of certain plants (for example, the alga and fungus that make up a lichen).



a temporary agreement between several capitalist banks and/or industrial companies to extract monopolistic profits through the joint investment of a loan or the realization of a common large-scale industrial project.

One of the forms of fusing of bank and industrial capital, the consortium has developed particularly since World War II. The participants of the consortium can include both private and government organizations. In the 1960’s consortiums of a new type, with entire countries as members, came into existence. Under the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, corsortiums have arisen in new sectors and at the junctions of different sectors. In such cases, besides the fusion of capital, joint scientific research is also envisaged. When a consortium is founded, the companies participating in it fully preserve their independence, but in the particular field of activity of the consortium they are subordinated to a jointly elected management. A characteristic feature of a consortium is the inequality of the relationship among the participants.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The NAIA Consortium, composed of Aboitiz InfraCapital, AC Infrastructure Holdings Corp., Alliance Global Group Inc.
"As independent experts have confirmed, there is no imminent health and environmental risk," the consortium said, as quoted by Sme.The asbestos issue concerns a short stretch of the motorway near Bratislava's borough of Jarovce.
The conditionally winning consortium - comprising ACWA Power, Kuwait-based Gulf Investment Corporation and Kuwait-based Alternative Energy Projects Co - was selected following a detailed financial, technical and legal evaluation of bid proposals, Yaqoob Saif al Kiyumi, CEO of OPWP said at a press conference.
Reinoso did not specify what these guarantees were but in previous interviews, he had said the DOTr was taking a closer look at the proposed terminal fee structure in Naia Consortium's offer.
The Industrial Internet Consortium, now incorporating OpenFog, is a membership program transforming business and society by accelerating the Industrial Internet of Things.
A statement said: "The consortium's consideration of the possible offer is at a preliminary and exploratory stage and no approach has been made to the board of Intu."
The government of Gabon had just extended the consortium's PSC to explore three producing oil fields-Etame, Avouma/Tchibala and Ebouri-for another 10 years, with two additional five-year options.
"The Consortium has recently undertaken its third annual value for money audit.
According to Slater and Lovatt (1984), it is a commonly accepted observation that due to the concerted activity of a multimember consortium, often the biodegradation rate of a compound is faster in nature.
"The Consortium believes in uniting institutions globally and giving back to the community - creating impact in the education sphere where reducing cost and incorporating newer technologies can help the student community thereby helping us live our mission of reducing the cost of education throughout the world," states Anjli Jain, Chairman of Campus Consortium.
Remarkable differences in the percentage of degradation of n-alkanes (nC13 to nC29) present in high concentration in oily sludge were observed when microbial consortium was added to such soil.

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