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Abbrev. for Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006


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(ANS Communications, Inc, Purchase, NY) An ISP, Internet backbone and provider of private data network services, founded in 1990 as Advanced Network & Services, Inc., by IBM, MCI and Merit (consortium of Michigan universities). The original ANS was formed as a non-profit network services provider for NFSnet, but later added commercial customers through its for-profit ANS CO+RE (COmmercial REsearch) subsidiary.

In 1995, ANS CO+RE was acquired by AOL and changed its name to ANS Communications. The non-profit arm of Advanced Network & Services ( moved into Internet-based education. In 1997, WorldCom acquired ANS from AOL and completely absorbed it into its UUNET Internet subsidiary. In 2004, WorldCom emerged from bankruptcy as MCI.
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References in periodicals archive ?
(29) The only exception to this general rule that we are aware of occurs when ANS production is temporarily slowed because (exogenous) logistical problems prevent ANS from being transported to refinery customers.
- Irena Wiszniewska-Bialecka, une juriste polonaise de 57 ans, professeur de droit a l'Academie des Sciences de Pologne a Varsovie.
Au Quebec, les hommes de 55 ans et plus sont le groupe le plus a risque.
ANS editor in chief Lappe said the news service offers stories on a previously "underreported" subject -- namely, the initiatives taken in various communities to try to solve problems in such areas as race relations, education, crime, poverty, health care and the environment.
Systems to carry ANS crude oil to markets east of the Rockies have been needed.
En Juillet lors du championnat du Maroc par equipes des jeunes, les garcons de l'ACSA ont remporte le titre de la categorie des 15-18 ans, alors que les autres ont termine vice-champions des categories de 11-12 ans (garcons et filles), 13-14 ans (garcons) et 15-18 ans (filles).
Le prince Christian, 7 ans (ne le 15 octobre 2005), est 2e dans l'ordre de succession monarchique apres son pere, le prince heritier Frederik, fils aEne de la reine Margrethe II et du prince Henrik.
A: Brookside B: Home and Away C: Coronation Street D: Emmerdale Farm ANS: CDAB.