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ANRIArsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (National Archives of Republic Indonesia)
ANRIAnimal and Natural Resources Institute
ANRIAustralian Neuromuscular Research Institute (est. 1982; Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia)
ANRIAnthony Nolan Research Institute
ANRIAuthority in Nursing Roles Inventory
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(14) ANRI, Jakarta, Soetikno Lukito Disastro 1959-1960, 16.
In summary, then, the archival remains of the BPUPK/PPKI in the ANRI consist of both the archive of A.K.
"Anri Sala: The Present Moment" is currently on view (through Sept.
Meanwhile, Anri Sala's C-print Airport, 2005, appropriates the visual noise of a low-resolution image depicting a misty runway as an ersatz painterly gesture.
Fried discusses individual works by Anri Sala, Charles Ray, Joseph Marioni, and Douglas Gordon with the same kind of dedication he has applied to Courbet's Burial at Qrnans and Manet's The Old Musician in his art-historical books.
One exhibition I'm glad I did see, though, was "The Present's Presents" at can, which brought together four artists from the former Soviet East--Aleksandra Domanovic, David Maljkovic, Deimantas Narkevicius, and Anri Sala.
Among her projects for 2012 is a retrospective of the work of Anri Sala.
The first two of these, Yael Bartana's Lying in State and Anri Sala and Sejla Kameric's 1395 Days Without Red, will premiere respectively at the Venice Biennale in June and the Manchester International Festival in July.
A number of other works here--including Serb Milica Tomic's video One day, instead of night, a burst of machine-gun fire will flash, if light cannot come otherwise, 2009, and Albanian Anri Sala's Naturalmystic (tomahawk #2), 2002--also considered the body as a site of identity mediation.