ANRTAssociation Nationale de la Recherche Technique (France)
ANRTAgence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (French)
ANRTAtelier Nationaux de Reproduction des Thèses (French: National Thesis Reproduction Workshops)
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TRA and Az-El-Arabe Hassibi, ANRT Director General.
Govindaraju, "Report (1973-1984) in two ANRT geochemical reference samples: granite GS-N and Potash Feldspar FK-N," Geostandards Newsletter, vol.
"The decision (to lift the ban) comes after the ANRT's evaluation of the telecom national and international markets, the legal context and taking into consideration the requirements to develop a sector that benefits customers," the regulator said.
Selon le communique, l'elaboration de ces projets de decret intervient a la suite de la decision adoptee par le Conseil d'administration de l'agence nationale de reglementation des telecommunications (ANRT), tenu le 09 mai 2012, visant a supprimer, a compter du 01 janvier 2012, la partie variable de la contrepartie financiere, correspondant au montant de deux (2) pour cent du chiffre d'affaires, dont les operateurs VSAT sont annuellement redevables.
Kazzem Qaribabadi, the Iranian ambassador to the Netherlands, who is also Iran's Envoy to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), said that the court ruled that Frans van Anrt, who has been serving a 16.5-year sentence for selling the chemicals, pay e1/425,000 in damages to each of the 13 Iranian plaintiffs in the case.
According to Desargues' Theorem, applied to AMSD and ANRT, the points: MS[intersection]NR=F, SD[intersection]T=C, MD[intersection]NT=A are collinear if and only if the lines MN, SR, DT are concurrent.
An independent regulatory authority, the National Telecommunication Regulatory Agency (ANRT), was also created.
Donizeti Luiz RIBEIRO, La double controverse sur le shabbat selon Matthieu 12: etude de l'arriere-fond biblique et tannaite de Mt 12,1-14, Lille: ANRT, 2009, 348 pp., 16 x 24, ISBN 978-2-7295-7758-2.