ANSCAnimal and Avian Sciences (University of Maryland)
ANSCAuxiliary National Supply Center
ANSCAlaska North Slope Crude (oil)
ANSCAmerican National Standards Committee
ANSCAlabama New South Coalition (est. 1986)
ANSCAleutian North Slope Current
ANSCAllegheny North Swim Club (Pennsylvania)
ANSCAndover Service Center
ANSCAssociation of Norwegian Stockbroking Companies
ANSCAutonomous Navigation System Concept
ANSCAverage Non-Sunk Cost (economics)
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The assignment of final ratings is contingent upon the completion of the leveraged buyout of ANSC by The Carlyle Group and GIC with terms and conditions being in line with our current assumptions.
Next, we performed immunofluorescence staining and found that 5hmC, 5fC, and 5caC were well colocalized with aNSC marker Sox2 at the proliferating condition (Figures 5(a)-5(c)).
Esse e o referencial a partir do qual vem sendo formatado o campo da ANSC e isso se desdobra no compromisso social da universidade com uma formacao mais global e critica.
The letter, dated January 7, 2010, and signed by Engineer Khair Mohammad Faizi, Executive Board Member and Chairman of the Presidential ATRA instructs ANSC to immediately block and another Afghan news website for "publishing articles in opposition to prominent political figures and senior government officials."
At the weekly meeting, the ANSC officials predicted the operation would disable the fighters to continue their activities, particularly their spring and summer assaults, the source added.
As anSC operative you can hack computers and you play from the conventional third-person perspective.The mercenary team will play from the first-person perspective but will come with a ton of equipment designed to compensate for their lack of perception.This gives ace players an experience that looks and feels like the main campaign with a smarter opponent.
London: Fitch Ratings has affirmed Starfruit Topco Cooperatief U.A.'s (AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals or ANSC) expected Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of 'B+(EXP)' with a Stable Outlook.
Este artigo se propoe a visitar a Alimentacao e Nutricao em Saude Coletiva (ANSC), no contexto brasileiro, examinando seu movimento de constituicao na interface de seus campos de origem, identificando tensoes e confluencias, visando demarcar seus contornos e caracterizar seu estatuto no interior do campo cientifico.
Scientific knowledge and traditional knowledge are based on different worldviews, use different methods for acquiring and disseminating knowledge, and usually focus on different spatial scales (Table 1, ANSC, 2005).
(AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals or ANSC) an expected Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of 'B+(EXP)' with a Stable Outlook.