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Related to ANSE: ansa, ancestry, hanse
ANSEAssociazione Nazionale Specializzazioni Edili (Italian: National Association of Building Specialties; Italy)
ANSEAsociación de Naturalistas de Sureste (Spanish)
ANSEAir Navigation Services Employee (Switzerland)
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In another room, Anse Bundren, Addie's husband, and two sons, Darl and Jewel, discussed the possibility of the boys making a trip with a wagonload of lumber to earn three dollars for the family.
As the Rangers were boarding the assault helicopters for the move to Grand Anse, the helicopters came under small-arms fire from the bush.
"The intense wavelengths in the blue part of the spectrum of light emitted by LEDs, and the associated radiation intensity, raise the question of new health risks related to these sources of lighting," ANSES stated in a report.
However, the Anses border checkpoint will remain open for people of both countries to get in and out,' he said.
On the other hand, "the government backs the proposal submitted by ANSES for further study of the long-term effects of the consumption of GMOs and pesticides".
ANSES said that automobile makers should "limit the luminosity of vehicle headlights" and recommended buying "warm white" LED lighting for homes as an alternative to "cool white" LED lightbulbs commonly found in retail stores.